“No, Mom, it’s not that bad! See, we can just…I don’t know, we can try to dye it or something.” Marlie tilted her head to the side as she examined the blanket that was folded on the couch. When Nessa had seen it in the catalog, it had read ‘a rich, deep cocoa brown color’, which was why she had brought it. It was supposed to go in Marlie’s room, since it had just recently been painted a bright orange color, and most of the fabric in her room was that deep cocoa color, or a much lighter shade of orange. Everything went together very well, but…this wasn’t at all the color that Nessa had hoped it would be. “Hmm…I showed the color to Gabe and Alena, and they said it was…doo doo brown.” Marlie’s head whipped around to look at her mother, gaping at her before she broke out into a grin. “Oh…my God. Mom.” “Well they said something completely inappropriate that I’m not repeating, and doo doo is much…stop laughing!” Her hands balled into fists on her hips as Marlie basically toppled over onto the couch laughing…and even though she was trying her hardest not to, Nessa broke out into a grin, covering her face with her hands, a bit embarrassed. “Oh, that is a terrible term.” “Mom…I seriously love you so much, you have no idea.” Marlie got out, bursting into a set of giggles as she thought of how serious her mother had looked when she had said ‘doo doo’; like it was something that belonged on the SAT’s.
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