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Charlotte Irene

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[30 Jun 2014|10:24pm]
Adian )

Jake )

I am so exhausted. And people claim Sunday nights are boring and Mondays are uneventful.
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[14 May 2014|11:47pm]

Jake )

I am so excited about Spring! And Quidditch!
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[14 Apr 2014|11:34pm]
Jake )


Mira )
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[12 Mar 2014|11:16pm]
So much for The Prophet. Well, it wasn't completely useless but--- I suppose word spreads fast through the various media outlets.

More time for me to sit by the Wireless and listen to games I suppose. Up next: Ireland vs. Poland. Let's see if Lynch can pull himself out of his spiral, eh?
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[22 Jan 2014|12:00am]
Jake )


Adian )

Hmph. What does one do on a Wednesday?
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[21 Aug 2013|12:58am]
Is it the weekend yet? This week has been so very dull.

OhWhatsyourname Adian! What are you doing? Did you get arrested? Are you still in jail?

Mira, I need new shoes.
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