User: | smileyface (30004)
please don't slow me down if i'm going too fast the wait is over, i'm now taking over
Name: | Naruto Uzumaki |
Website: | feel good, INC |
Location: | Nevada, United States |
Birthdate: | 10-10 |
AOL IM: | boy kyuubi (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Schools: | None listed |
Friends: | None listed. |
Friend of: | 24: apostle, arghnostopthat, bigsigh, candystripes, chinpo, doublehelix, drown_in_blue, fragileternity_, gogglesplz, houseofdaggers, icanseeyerboobs, inhumanresource, konan, legendarytits, makemefeelgood, notyourfantasy, o_bit_o, omfgraeg, pullinstrings, scarecrow_honor, speedy_recovery, temari, tosharesunshine, unmotivated |
Account type: | Early Free User |
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