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hippocrates a. smethwyck ([info]smethy) wrote,
@ 2008-09-08 23:27:00

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Current mood: sleepy

[PRIVATE] R She looked really cute as always today wears those lavender robes well.

Right, Smethwyck, you clearly need some sleep. Why am I even thinking about that? Very random. [/PRIVATE]

There has been an epidemic of Vanishing Sickness going around. I hope everyone has read the notice about the symptoms and how to prevent in today's Prophet.

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2008-09-09 07:42 am UTC (link)
And guess who correctly diagnosed half the patients!

Maybe I should go for my H.O.R.S.E exam belatedly. I am ACE at this Healer business.

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2008-09-09 07:43 am UTC (link)
Very true, I am almost envious if I wasn't so awed at your prowess!

I am thinking that Healer Englewood seems quite fitting for you.

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2008-09-09 07:47 am UTC (link)
But I would be the old and decrepit intern trainee and people would call me old and decrepit.

That would be very hard on me.

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2008-09-09 08:44 am UTC (link)
Well by then I imagine that I too, will be old and decrepit. Nevertheless I will defend your honor, if people dare to say it to your face.

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2008-09-10 02:28 am UTC (link)
Oh, Healer Smethwyck, you're so gallant. I would trust my honor with you completely.

But what about if they said it behind my face?

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2008-09-10 05:49 am UTC (link)
Well I must admit, I do pride myself on my gallantry.

Then never fear, I suspect that my great powers of deduction and sleuthing will find out, and thus, I will still be able to defend your honor.

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2008-09-09 11:02 pm UTC (link)
You probably guessed at half of them and got way luc

Good job :) You know, we could always use more qualified nurses. And nursing wouldn't require a year of training like being a healer does. Plus, you get to do a lot more work with the patients, getting to know them you're chatty enough to. And you're not confined to bright lime green robes which would probably clash horribly with your complexion and, so that's good!

And I'm sure that the time you've already spent in the hospital as a healer assistant could count towards your on-the-job training, so no lost time or anything!

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2008-09-10 02:52 am UTC (link)
Thank you, Nurse Johnson! It's definitely something to consider.

But luckily, I look good in all color robes, so perhaps I shouldn't take that into consideration for future job searches!

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