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hippocrates a. smethwyck ([info]smethy) wrote,
@ 2008-08-19 19:35:00

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Current mood: annoyed

[AGGIE] I know that now of all time is NOT the time to complain about one's love life but... [/AGGIE]

So, thanks to the Ministry's new M.A.G.I.C. Act, I was correct in calling that nearly half the staff of St. Mungo's have been expelled and/or suspended. My grandmother managed to pull strings for me, and of course, as my father is a pureblood, he didn't have to go through suspension. Now that I'm back at Mungo's, I'll be happy to cover my colleagues' share. Now I know you might think that my previous sentence was said sarcastically, but I do mean it. Everyone that can heal is needed, because despite of what the Ministry thinks, medical care is still needed.


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2008-08-20 09:38 am UTC (link)
Well! Meet me at St. Mungo's tomorrow in the lobby at 10 tomorrow? As I'll be taking over a serious workload, I'll need all the hands I can get!

How does Healer Assistant to Healer Smethwyck sound to you? Plus, I promise you won't have to touch anyone, only paperwork.

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2008-08-20 09:42 am UTC (link)
It sounds more amazing than you know.

And I wouldn't mind touching people! If I had gloves.

And lots of sanitizer potion.

We have a date, then, Healer Smethwyck!

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2008-08-20 09:45 am UTC (link)
That we do! Looking forward to working with you, Miss Englewood!

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