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[Jan. 11th, 2008|02:32 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]zellywellywoowo
2008-01-15 01:27 am (UTC)


Hi I am from GJ I am quite sad cuz all of my friends are scattered about. I decided on Scribbld since it was very close to GJ without the LJ hassle and confusion. I was doing a search for random things of interest inclusing FF and came across you. Hope you don't mind but I added you :) You don't HAVE to add me back but if you did that's be most excellent :D
[User Picture]From: [info]sleepingforest
2008-01-15 01:44 am (UTC)


Sure, I'll gladly add you! :) Sorry to hear about your friends, I hope within time they'll become less scattered. The whole doom of GJ was sort of chaotic. X_X