I am not the type that really updates a ton of journals per day but today it seems I am, blah cleaned house today. It was fun to say the least as Carol who can be a bitch was well being bitchy at everything I did. Making rude remarks or just being an ass on what or how I did it.
Did not really sleep well, had odd dreams last night but I can't remember much just a child like voice saying things and a bell. (I hate the sound of an hand held bell by the way)
Updated some of my poems, I use to write more often but I am debating to take them down as they are rather sad and well bad in my view.
Gah I hate the smell of bleach and right now I still smell it. I think I want to live without any pets other then one not thousands.
There was more on what I was going to say but my mind keeps going to an shower which I might go take. Hot water sounds fun.
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