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Jacon 2009 [26 May 2009|05:31pm]

Went to Jacon Saturday and it was rather fun, took roughly 160 photos which I am still going though and trying to figure stuff out, colene had fun and got a few items and overall yeah had fun.

I just wish I had models to use :(

Taken from DA journal:

Yes still going with images from Jacon and uploading as I don't think people want to see 160 uploads from me all at once and I am sure more people will hit the mass delete then look at them.

I love Photography and love taking it more, I find myself wanting a better camera mainly in terms of speed as I find the one I use lacks speed as it has a HUGE delay in frames per second and the second flash bugs me as most models I take of move after the first one :(

I normally only do it at cons as that is when you have a ton of people as most don't like the idea of randomly taking photos of them even if I have a ton of ideas at times. I prefer people or nature such as storms, I wanted to take photos of a storm that we saw the other day as it was pretty strikes of lightning however the camera was being a pain so yeah, was kinda of funny when parts of the mall went out of power but yeah.

We spent the day with Amber, a friend of mine which colene likes and bonds well together hehe which I am glad as we are going to the beach in June with amber and her family and all. First time I really had sugar since a year but yeah it was fun. Sadly I don't have a lot of fun it seems.

I want more models and cosplay stuffies >.
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[ viewing | May 26th, 2009 ]
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