oogaly boogaly  
08:36pm 13/05/2008
so this is the journal hmmm so interesting...i dont really know what to write about so i shall write about my day, which started when i woke up late today and went back to bed idk how many times before i left for the bus. Then i just sat through my classes which are boring cause guess what? twas an "A" day. After school was an adventure though...i bought my prom tix which is on my phone so i dont lose it cause i have a tendecy to misplace things....even things as odd as our tix. So from that i missed the bus and i decided to take a taxi, little did i know that the aafes taxi's were on strike again so i waited for like 30 mins and finally got a gray one...........................................................i made it home fine but when i got out the taxi...it was like a scene from a movie. The door slams behind in mist of me exiting the vehicle and la de da what do you know? my bag is stuck in the door! I banged on the side of the car but he just took off driving and what else is there to do but take off running after it in the middle of the road waving your arms about frantically...i mean that all literally too cause thats exactly what i did...till i got about 30 yards in the chase when i remembered that my wallet was hangin out my pocket when i got out the taxi and i heard something hit the ground when i started running....so then i was faced with a deathly decision....let my bag drvie away and retrive my wallet or pray that i get my bag and my wallet is still there when i get back up the hill....i went for the bag cause well it would be pretty damn hard to explain how i lost my bag when i was suppose to take the bus home anyways...the taxi finally stopped and i got my bag...the driver just looked at me like i was some psycho and when i finally got up the hill a korean couple had stayed next to my wallet to make sure no one else took it...i couldnt thank them enough but had to get home cause i felt like my lungs were going to pop out my chest and i would blood would start gushing out my mouth.......................................................................................................................................... i had nothing else to do when i got home so i asked my mom if i could go up itaewon she wasnt having a good day so she decided to tag along not a bad thing i didnt really care. Well i walked into a dress shop which i need one badly cause prom is saturday so i just wanted to look around ya know...i came out there with my prom dress! its just gorgeous im not telling the color though cause its a surprise hehehe but damn do i look good in it...brings out all my features i love it! Then we went to quiznos, and cold stone and came back home...so now i am extremely tired and my lungs still kinda sting from all that running had to at least been the length of a football field or a lil less but it was far....well i do believe that was a good first entry lol buh bye now!
location: yang
mood: cheerful cheerful
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May 2008  

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