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Miko Sablinova

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[13 Feb 2013|01:55pm]
Miko Sablinova

Wild Pack- Chance when attacking or attack to call in support from the Wildpack
Vanshing Act- After being attack has a chance to gain Vanished which grants highly increased chance of evasion on next attack or highly increased chance to crit on next attack

L1- Martial Arts Combo- Single target unarmed melee attack. Causes combo setup.

L2- Sneak Attack- Single target unarmed melee attack. Deadly crits. Exploits combo setup.

L6- Crippling Blow- Single target unarmed melee attack. Cause weakness and slowed.

L9- Hypnotic Gaze- Single target debuff. Target opponent cannot use any abilities next turn. Being attacked cancels this buff.
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Profile [22 Apr 2012|08:14pm]
Name: Miko Sablinova

PB: Brock Kelly

History: While at a public event in Symkaria Nicolai was targeted for assassination. The daughter of a local Count noticed the red beam at the last second and pushed him out of the way getting shot instead. Nicolai of course felt horrible about this and visited her every day in the hospital till she got better. One thing led to another and they got married.

Miko is the second of their three children and older brother Aleksander and younger sister Anastasia. Miko is definitely wilder than his older brother though partly because he lacks the responsibilities but does do his duties for his country.

Abilities: Miko is his grandfather 'Basil''s favorite and has learned a lot from him. He is a master of stealth and infiltration to an unparalleled degree and has not met a system he could not sneak through. He also has learn much of being a master of disguise though still has things to learn there. He also has learned to fight just like all of his siblings and is extremely skilled at it.

He also has a semi-mystical hypnotic eye trick which allows him to trap someone in his gaze for as long as he can hold unblinking eye contact with them. Though it is extremely draining to use for long periods of time.
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