There's something wrong with me chemically, something wrong with me inherently -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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001. [26 May 2009|09:07pm]
From the looks of the news, it seems KV is not manifesting itself with any real harm to its victims. Aside from the first few symptoms warned about, the coma and death attributes are severely lacking. Most of the victims have recovered completely, and none are degenerating any further.

A false alarm, as they would say, which makes sense. It would be counter-productive to kill random civilians in a protest over a civil rights issue, blond or not. Going for the queen is a much more efficient means to killing a colony of ants than attempting to destroy each and every worker.

Or so I assume is Masenshi's meaning, if they're as intelligent as they allude themselves to be. They could, of course, be quite the opposite, having really meant the "virus" to be as lethal as stated. Lucky for them the result is up to interpretation, so they look neither stupid nor brilliant. Just bored.

Moving on, it's been raining for three days straight now. The Third District is beginning to flood, and there doesn't seem to be any signs of the rain stopping. If it gets as bad as the Flood of 201, the dark-hairs will be looking for higher ground. I remember it, faintly. Mobs and riots. A fair warning to the brunettes. Keep your doors locked.

((OOC: Yes I am projecting the weather here because it's been raining FOREVER now @_@ ... it must be stopped.))
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