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Sasuke ([info]shukumei) wrote,
@ 2012-12-03 14:16:00

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[Open Log] Christmas Festival! (..Again)
((OOC: Okay guys... apparently scribbld suspended the mod journals and community journals for the City, Didgey and I think it’s because of some sort of auto-security feature since they were dormant for so long because it happened right after Didgey logged into the mod journal for the first time in awhile, so we contacted the Scribbld mods but since it’s a fucking old journal who knows how long it will take for them to get back to us so I’m just gonna move the Christmas Fest thing to my own journal for now until we get it resolved or move to a new journal system ... idk right now)).

Every year, once a year around Christmastime, the City hosted its annual Christmas Festival. It was mostly an excuse for the government to attempt to better its image with the dark-hairs by fully funding a dinner for all citizens to attend and enjoy -- from the richest blonde to the poorest dirt-hair -- and a Christmas tree lighting ceremony, among smaller things like gaming booths and vendor stalls for those searching for Christmas gifts. Of course, the latter was mostly aimed towards the blondes, since dark-hairs hardly ever had the means for a real Christmas or trading gifts, but free food definitely brought the dark-hairs out in droves, and Sasuke wasn't one to miss out on a hot meal.

He hated winter, and although it had been mild for the past month, the cold was finally showing itself with its usual ferocity. Bundled up in his thickest coat (moth-eaten as it was), black jeans and boots he normally reserved for his escort encounters, he also had a knitted blue scarf, gloves, and a knitted black hat. Underneath all of that were as many layers of t-shirts and sweaters as he could stand. He was unsurprised that the snow had erupted all at once, and although it wasn't snowing today, there was already a semi-thick blanket on the ground that had been lying around for some time now.

His heavy boots crunched through the snow as he made his way to Second District, which was always used for festivities, the few and far between that hosted all citizens. The sun was out, but it seemed weak today, and everything was coated in a misty haze that spoke of winter, making him scrunch up further into his coat, hoping to make it in time to get the food while it was hot. It was always a crowd during the Christmas Festival, since it was the only time of year many of the dark-hairs got to savor fresh food -- food that many of them never saw on their own plates at home.

Trickling in behind a group of scraggly dirt-hairs, Sasuke looked around for the ticket booth, trotting over to show his ID to be marked and grab his ticket to get in line for the buffet. Free or not, everyone only got one meal, and there was no seconds allowed.

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2012-12-04 12:28 am UTC (link)
Even growing up, Suigetsu always felt estranged from his peers. He wanted to play outside, get dirty, run around and play sports. He had a lot of energy and was scolded often for displaying poor manners in the eyes of his parents. And most other blondes. His brother was perfect, always did everything right, so that made Suigetsu feel like even more of an outcast. But when surrounded by people from the Second and Third Districts, he felt more at home. He knew it wasn't something he could go around openly confessing, but really does think sometimes he was born into the wrong caste.

"Oh yeah? Anything with guitars? The louder the better. I think it would be cool to learn how to play guitar, but I doubt I could get any practice in. I'd get complaints from my neighbors for sure. Stuffy assholes."

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2012-12-04 12:38 am UTC (link)
It was a wonder Sui hadn't be arrested yet, with how much he spoke before thinking. Sasuke raised a brow, glad he'd chosen to sit somewhat further away from everyone, so that none of the other dark-hairs eating overheard him openly talking about wanting to play guitar.

"You're going to get into trouble one of these days for your mouth," he said lowly. "You know owning an instrument is illegal for blondes." Since they ruled the roost a lot of them bent the rules, of course, but he was pretty sure Sui wasn't high up enough for that kind of allowance.

But then, owning an instrument was nothing compared to buying a dark-haired prostitute, so he guessed Sui was a bit beyond playing it safe. Still, if the blonde went down, he didn't want to be dragged down with him.

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2012-12-04 12:44 am UTC (link)
A heavy sigh was all Sasuke scolding was met with. Yeah, he knew. Which is exactly why Sui was convinced he didn't belong up there, all of his interests were either illegal or a social taboo. All around him, his peers continued to succeed and grow and harp about their love for Hokage. All Suigetsu ever really wanted to do was get drunk and eat a lot of food, then try to go run around and puke. Why is that so bad? It was that immaturity and carelessness that kept him from progressing at his job, too. He could be serious when he absolutely needed to, but behind a desk all day he spent more time flinging rubber bands into trash cans.

"Yeah, well. If I'm goin' out, I'd like for it to be doing something I liked doing. Like I don't want to be caught at work or something stupid. I want to give the police a story to remember. And hey, hold on! Since when do you care about the rules anyway? I call bullshit on that, Mugetsu."

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2012-12-04 01:04 am UTC (link)
Already finished eating, Sasuke pushed his empty plate away, leaning his chin in his hand, elbow propped up on the table, studying Suigetsu seriously.

"I think you're failing to see the difference between breaking rules out of defiance and breaking rules out of necessity," he replied, eyes ticking again over to make sure the police were still minding their own business. He knew, eventually, one would come over and attempt to listen to their conversation. One would come up with some asinine violation to separate them. Because a blonde and a dirt-hair talking like acquaintances, even in an environment like this, made others uncomfortable. It wasn't the way things worked, and it never would be. "It would be fruitless for me to explain the concept of survival to you, because you can't understand it until you live it. Yeah, I might do something stupid here and there, but I usually don't go looking for trouble. Because you might get a fine or a slap on the wrist. I'd be the star of the next public execution. You get me?"

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2012-12-04 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Not one for lectures, Suigetsu immediately looked bored when he saw that serious look in Sasuke's eyes. Let him finish just so he could get it out of his system, but it definitely didn't sink in. After that warning was done, Suigetsu stood up and yawned, scratching his belly. "Okay, well. I'm going to go see what else is going on. Let's go to that bar some time, kay?"

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2012-12-04 01:41 am UTC (link)
Sasuke rolled his eyes, waving him off. The kid would learn. Eventually.

"You know where to find me."

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