Heather - Post a comment
NAME: Victoria Anne Frobisher
AGE: 16, turning 17 in the autumn of her sixth year
BLOODLINE: Pure - sort of...
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual, but inexperienced
ALLEGIANCE: Her family come first. But when the war starts to get more unpleasant, her Gryffindor nature will bring out her desire to do what is right, and fight on the side of the Chosen One.
WAND: 10 inches, Maple with Unicorn Hair core
HOUSE:Gryffindors born under the sign of Sagittarius are exuberant and full of good humour. They are intelligent, but often do not make the best of students, because they would rather be outside enjoying the fresh air or off studying on their own. They aren't good at diplomatic silence; if a teacher makes a mistake, the Gryffindor Sag will draw attention to it right away, usually loudly and in front of the entire class. At length. These students can get into trouble - their hot tempers make for easy dueling matches, and their impish senses of humour inspire a great many practical jokes. Still, they rarely mean anything malicious. They're too jovial to harbour malice. These Gryffindors are likeable extraverts, on good terms with practically everybody, and they generally do all right in the end. Many excellent Quidditch players come from this sign. Vicky is typical of the Gryffindor Sagittarius in that she is fiery and forthcoming, but it comes from a good place. She carries herself with a desire to commit the noble deeds she feels is expected of her, and be the sort of person who is approachable by all. This won't win her friends amongst those who don't like her particular brand of forthright honesty, but most would say she has the positive traits of her house, rather than the negative ones. She is also an excellent Keeper.
SECONDARY HOUSE: Hufflepuff Sagittarians are good-natured, cheerful, and clever, and their natural skill at teaching other people what they have learned ensures that they will be professors or magical tutors upon leaving Hogwarts. Their outdoorsy ways also give them a gift with all growing things and wildlife. These wizards have more difficulty than most wizards of their house applying themselves to their studies; Sagittarius is a sign of intellect, but not discipline, and it is painful for Hufflepuffs born under this sign to do homework when they'd rather be out on the Quidditch field or taking nature hikes. They will knuckle down, but not without protest. Although they are socially graceless, their good natures make up for any accidental offenses they may commit. Vicky's innate sense of adventure applies herself mostly to Gryffindor, but her love of getting stuck into something and giving it her all shows that she would also fit well into the hard working house of Hufflepuff. She settles down to do her assignments and get them done on time, but come the hand-in date you won't see her for dust.
YEAR: Sixth
BEST SUBJECT: Charms, by far. She is bright and good at all of her chosen subjects, but her presidency of the Charms club came for a very good reason. She is creative and thoughtful about her wandwork, and is naturally inventive with the subject.
WORST SUBJECT: Astronomy. Snore. She always felt there were better uses of her time, particularly when you could eliminate all need to the nighttime element of the subject by buying one of those replicas of the solar system they have in Diagon Alley.
Vicky is of above average height for a female, although not ridiculously tall, standing at 5'9. She is fairly slender but not model thin, and not as curvaceous as she might wish to be.
She considers her saving grace, appearance wise, to be her naturally blonde hair which she wears at a length hitting just below her shoulders. As it is her best feature - in her opinion - she usually wears it down unless it is for a practical class. Her eyes are a sort of muddy dark blue. She rarely wears makeup - to be honest, she doesn't really need to wear much to look tidy, which is what she believes the stuff should be used for, unless it is for a special occasion. She usually wears smart and sensible clothing, preferring to look clean and tidy as opposed to sexy. She likes to think she conveys a professional and intelligent image, because the last thing she wants is to look like the stereotypical vapid airhead. Suggest that she does, and you will regret it.
She very much takes after her father and older brother in the looks wise, and looking at family portraits it is clear that she resembles several women from the Frobisher family, and earlier on, the Restwolds.
PB: TBD: Either Kristen Sager or Samara Weaving
FATHER: John Jacob Restwold Frobisher, 52. Formerly of Gryffindor House. He is the television political editor for the BBC. Wizards who are au fait with Muggle culture will know him from the programme “Westminster on Sunday”, a somewhat highbrow discussion of the week's events. He was planted within the BBC by the Department for Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, as part of a team whose job it is to prevent wizarding news from leaking onto the Muggle news networks. They have a cordial relationship, one that is more of a great understanding than being especially close. Their family loyalty, however, is very strong and Vicky wants to have a high flying career just like him.
MOTHER: Helena Luciana Bassett, 48. Formerly of Ravenclaw House. A photographer whose work is popular with celebrities and other famous people who, in her own words, have more money than sense. Vicky is very much a mummy's little girl, which is odd, given how much she takes after her father. Like many girls her age, when she is sick, sad or stressed, all she wants is a hug from her mum.
BROTHER: John James Frobisher, 24. Formerly of Gryffindor House. Vicky refers to her brother as being "an annoying layabout", but in reality they get on rather well, despire the teasing big brother-little sister relationship that they have. He shares the colouring and looks Vicky inherited from their father, and a rather similar personality, although he is more laid back and less confrontational.
PETS: The family dog, Maggie, a six year old black Newfoundland. Vicky adores her and the breed, and hopes to have her own when she lives in her own house. She has no familiar as of yet, but is considering the matter.
FRIENDS AND ENEMIES: (NB - Specifics TBD) Vicky's loyalty at school is with her fellow Gryffindors, mostly - her fellow 6th years first, especially her dorm-mates. However, she enjoys the company of people from any house, as long as they are interesting people with something to say for themselves. She hates people with extreme prejudices of any kind, such as DE sympathisers - she says any kind of blind faith shows an extreme lack of judgment, something she has no time for.
LIKES: Clubs and societies, debate, fizzing whizbees, being analytical, having but not abusing a position of authority.
DISLIKES: Being powerless, misogyny, not playing Quidditch, plain food, boredom.
STRENGTHS: Vicky decided to keep her NEWT choices to where her magical strengths lay, for two reasons. For one, the greater number of subjects, the less time in which to study. Secondly, when discussing her schooling with Muggles, five subjects was easier to pass off as Muggle A-levels. She is taking History of Magic (obvious), Potions (Chemistry), Transfiguration (Physics), Arithmancy (Maths) and Muggle Studies (Psychology). History because of her future career path, as she is good at justifying her reasoning by use of historical precedent. Potions and Transfiguration because she is good at visualising what she wants to happen and makes it so, Arithmancy because she is logically minded, and the somewhat conflicting option of Muggle Studies. Some see it as an easy option. Vicky chose it as an easy O, given her knowledge in the subject, and for the personal interest of the Muggle history studied in the coursework.
WEAKNESSES: Astronomy, because as a lesson she doesn't see the point of it. If there is a viable alternative, she thinks it should stay out of school or at least be an extra curricular instead. Unless it is a matter of being gently persuasive, Vicky is not the subtle type and is more of an outgoing leader, as she is now president of the Charms club. She is considering trying out for Quidditch again, although not for the Keeping position she had previously tried out for but turned down. Hey, she's president of the Charms club now - she can always schedule meetings around Quidditch if she gets on the team!
MIRROR OF ERISED: A contented future - speaking with authority to a group of people. Who that group of people is, she hasn't decided yet. A class of her own? A Quidditch team? A department at the Ministry?
PATRONUS: She has never tried to produce one, but if she could, it would be a pug - the sweet, contented and loyal lapdog to the rich and famous through history.
BOGGART: A hooded man, carrying rope - like her family before her, she is terrified of being discovered to be a witch and receiving the traditional punishment.
PERSONALITY: Vicky is pretty much an aimiable and kind person, although if solitary for too long, she will regress slightly and dwell too long on her negative thoughts. She enjoys authority but uses it well, and is a fair and considerate prefect who takes her job seriously. She sometimes has what you might call "projects", almost socially adopting someone and making it her aim to improve something - usually cheering them up, although she may also have other reasons. Vicky would never let a word of this out to another person, though, beyond an "I feel so sorry for...". She is secretly very ambitious, hence seeking positions of power in the way that her parents have places in Muggle High Society, although unlike them she has no plans of leaving the wizarding world, however temporarily. Her fears are being outed as a witch - when in the muggle world, and her family suffering if they ended up on the losing side in any upcoming war. She is terrified for their safety when things get rough.
For those who set much store in blood purity, and who are in the know, it is never a good idea to try and rile Vicky Frobisher about having a few Muggles in her lineage. For one, she really doesn't care – if Muggles were so bad for the future of the Wizarding community, she says, two Muggles wouldn't be able to have a magical child in the first place. Secondly, Vicky is one of the few witches at Hogwarts whose blood heritage can actually be traced back more than a century or two – her ancestor was Agnes Restwold, who was a courtier in the reign of Henry VIII when she acted as lady in waiting to Queen Katherine Howard, a childhood friend. Hiding the fact that she was a witch, as letting it be known would kill her, Agnes left the court when the Queen was disgraced lest she be dragged down with her. Since then, the Restwolds rejected life as high-fliers in the royal circle, instead retreating to the darker circles of the wizarding community for protection, rising through the ranks there instead.
Despite this, the links with high society never really let the family go. Vicky's father, John Restwold Frobisher, is a wizard who chose to make his living in the Muggle world for this reason – a former Gryffindor himself, who is a television political editor for the BBC. Naturally, he has to be up to speed with Muggle culture and politics, and is one of those purebloods who blends in seamlessly. He is married to Helena Bassett, who interestingly is the descendant of Anne Bassett, another lady in waiting to Katherine Howard. Anne's father (Lord Lisle) was arrested for treason when Anne of Cleves was humiliatingly cast aside. Her noble connections entitle her to the honorific of The Right Honourable Helena Bassett, being the daughter of the current Lord Southampton. Vicky also has that honorific, but refuses to use it at school through the embarrassment. Only her close friends will know that her family is titled, unless they have done their research.
All this means that Vicky has had the somewhat confused upbringing of the slightly-Muggle, slightly-magical Hogwarts student. Some might say that this is what has spurred her on to be so politically active, as she would wish to find her own place in the world to wipe away the effects of her mixed-up upbringing. They would never say this to her face, however, as Vicky is rather handy with the infamous Bat Bogey hex.
There was never any doubt – at least in her own mind – that she would follow her father to Hogwarts. Promptly being sorted into Gryffindor – a pleasing result, as she liked the idea of being able to play up to the daring reputation of the house when she wished, and there was a no stigma to the House these days – she spent the next few years making more allies than friends in other houses, although she gets on well with her dorm-mates.
In her second year, the notorious wizard Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, and like the majority of students, the idea od him being on the loose was terribly scary, but even when he actually got into Hogwarts, she was surprisingly nonplussed. The teachers knew what they were doing, and she trusted them to keep the students safe... it was Potter who had to worry, apparently.
Her third year was rather disappointing, as not only was she one of the many pupils who could not enter the Triwizard, she was underage to attend the Yule Ball in her own right. To her delight, however, she was asked to attend by an older boy, with whom she had a wonderful time dancing and socialising. Nothing else happened, though there were certainly rumours about certain other students...
Fourth year was frustrating for her, as Charms club clashed with the Quidditch scheduling, and she had to make her choices. Quidditch lost, though she is confident that she would have kicked arse had she not chosen to turn down the position on the team. Also, that Umbridge woman was really annoying. How she escaped detention with that awful woman, Vicky is still unsure. She supposes it taught her the virtues of bitching in her dorm, behind closed doors, with people she could trust.
Fifth Year was relatively straightforward. She kept her head down (mostly), and got through it reasonably well academically, pushing herself quite a lot. Professor Slughorn took a liking to her upon finding out who her parents were, which at least made Potions easier than when Professor Snape was in charge. She still doesn't like talking about the events at the end of the year, however - she thought Dumbledore was awesome and is very sad about his death.
Academically she was not especially outstanding, being slightly above average, although her Head of House said that with a lot of effort, there could be one or two Os in her OWLs and beyond, and anything less than an E would be disappointing.
In the summer leading up to sixth year, Vicky had been spending her time at home in the genteel area of Chelsea, taking part in ladylike pursuits such as riding, swimming and going for long walks in order to relax before the tough year ahead. Until her seventh year started, however, she was cosseted in the Muggle world and only had snippets of information from friends about what was going on. Arriving at school for the 1997-98 academic year was something of a shock...
drunkenough via rp_tutorials
Name: Heather
E-mail/MSN: heather_stanton@hotmail.com
Timezone: GMT
Experience: See she_who_dares.
First person sample: See entries at victory_v.
Third person sample: See entries at May 02.
Journal to be used: This one, please!
Where did you hear about us? Through lena. |
VICTORIA Anne Frobisher |
FULL NAME -- Victoria Anne Frobisher GENDER -- Female BIRTHDAY/AGE -- November 23rd 1981, 29. BLOOD STATUS -- Pure. SEXUAL ORIENTATION -- Heterosexual.
APPEARANCE -- Vicky is of above average height for a female, although not ridiculously tall, standing at 5'9. She is fairly slender but not model thin, and not as curvaceous as she might wish to be.
She considers her saving grace, appearance wise, to be her naturally blonde hair which she wears at a length hitting just below her shoulders. As it is her best feature - in her opinion - she usually wears it down unless it is for a practical matter, a habit she began in school. Her eyes are a sort of muddy dark blue. She rarely wears makeup, unless it is for a special occasion, and usually wears smart and sensible clothing, preferring to look clean and tidy as opposed to sexy. PB -- Yvonne Strahovski
WAND -- 10 inches, Maple with a unicorn hair core. CURRENT RESIDENCE -- Vicky and her fiancé Justin live in a three bedroom apartment on the seventh floor of the De Luca Housing building on Diagon Alley. OCCUPATION -- Vicky is the female news anchor on the WWN News programme, where she is referred to as Victoria. FORMER HOUSE/YEARS -- Gryffindor, 1992-1999. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES -- She played Quidditch in her sixth and seventh year - Ronald Weasley held the Keeper position prior to this and he left school in 1997. She was also the Gryffindor female prefect of her year group. PETS, IF ANY -- Vicky owns a barn owl named Maggie, and she and Justin have two cats, Dustin and Hector, along with Earl, his border collie. |
personality |
FORTHRIGHT Vicky is a much better journalist than she ever thought she could be, mostly because of her desire for the truth to be revealed. As such, when it is required for her to interview important figures, she doesn't hesitate in speaking her mind and is something of a female, magical world equivalent of Jeremy Paxman. IDEALISTIC Sometimes too much so, but Vicky will stick to a cause she believes in and not necessarily care that it might be dangerous or unrealistic. BRAVE Vicky learned from her experiences during the war and feels as though it has made her into a braver and better person. She has no lingering negative effects from it, but the fact she did the right thing in joining the fight at the end made her realise that she's actually a pretty decent person. FUNNY Not afraid to crack a joke at herself if the reason is justifiable, Vicky is a relaxed and fun person to be around. Despie her profession, she isn't above having a gossip either. CURIOUS Vicky is an inquisitive and open-minded person, who loves to find things out and broaden her intellectual and cultural horizons, in an "I'll try anything once!" sort of way.
LIKES -- Pets, talking, socialising, travelling, fizzing whizbees DISLIKES -- Prejudiced people, nasty humour, loneliness, staying still, Every Flavour Beans GOALS -- She doesn't really know where to go beyond what she has. She can't really GO further in her job. The only thing she would really like is to finally get married. FEARS -- Losing her job or relationship. WHAT THEY ARE BEST AT -- Vicky is great at picking holes in a weak argument, one of the reasons she would have been a really good lawyer. WHAT THEY ARE WORST AT -- She worries a little too much about what her friends and loved ones are thinking, so arguments are unsettling. YOUR CHARACTER'S MOTTO, OR A QUOTE THAT YOU FEEL REPRESENTS THEM WELL -- If you want to see what someone is like, don't give him adversity - give him authority. |
First House: Gryffindors born under this sign are exuberant and full of good humour. They are intelligent, but often do not make the best of students, because they would rather be outside enjoying the fresh air or off studying on their own. They aren't good at diplomatic silence; if a teacher makes a mistake, the Gryffindor Sag will draw attention to it right away, usually loudly and in front of the entire class. At length. These students can get into trouble - their hot tempers make for easy dueling matches, and their impish senses of humour inspire a great many practical jokes. Still, they rarely mean anything malicious. They're too jovial to harbour malice. These Gryffindors are likeable extraverts, on good terms with practically everybody, and they generally do all right in the end. Many excellent Quidditch players come from this sign.
Second House: Hufflepuff Sagittarians are good-natured, cheerful, and clever, and their natural skill at teaching other people what they have learned ensures that they will be professors or magical tutors upon leaving Hogwarts. Their outdoorsy ways also give them a gift with all growing things and wildlife. These wizards have more difficulty than most wizards of their house applying themselves to their studies; Sagittarius is a sign of intellect, but not discipline, and it is painful for Hufflepuffs born under this sign to do homework when they'd rather be out on the Quidditch field or taking nature hikes. They will knuckle down, but not without protest. Although they are socially graceless, their good natures make up for any accidental offenses they may commit. |
appearance |
Nationality: British (English) Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Skin: English rose style
relationships |
MOTHER -- Helena Luciana Bassett, 60. Formerly of Ravenclaw House. FATHER -- John Jacob Restwold Frobisher, 64. Formerly of Gryffindor House. SIBLINGS? John James Frobisher, 36. Formerly of Gryffindor House. MARITAL STATUS/SPOUSE? Engaged to Justin Finch Fletchley, 31, formerly of Hufflepuff house.
history |
For those who set much store in blood purity, and who are in the know, it is never a good idea to try and rile Vicky Frobisher about having Muggles in her lineage. For one, she really doesn't care – if Muggles were so bad for the future of the Wizarding community, she says, two Muggles wouldn't be able to have a magical child in the first place. Secondly, Vicky is one of the few witches at Hogwarts whose blood heritage can actually be traced back more than a century or two – her ancestor was Agnes Restwold, who was a courtier in the reign of Henry VIII when she acted as lady in waiting to Queen Katherine Howard, a childhood friend. Hiding the fact that she was a witch, as letting it be known would kill her, Agnes left the court when the Queen was disgraced lest she be dragged down with her. Since then, the Restwolds rejected life as high-fliers in the royal circle, instead retreating to the darker circles of the wizarding community for protection, rising through the ranks there instead.
Despite this, the links with high society never really let the family go. Vicky's father, John Restwold Frobisher, is a wizard who chose to make his living in the Muggle world for this reason – a former Gryffindor himself, who is a television political editor for the BBC. Wizards who are au fait with Muggle culture will know him from the programme “Westminster on Sunday”, a somewhat highbrow discussion of the week's events. He is married to Helena Bassett, a photographer whose work is popular with celebrities and other famous people who, in her own words, have more money than sense. Interestingly, Helena is the descendant of Anne Bassett, another lady in waiting to Katherine Howard, whose father (Lord Lisle) was arrested for treason when Anne of Cleves was humiliatingly cast aside. Her noble connections entitle her to the honorific of The Right Honourable Helena Bassett, being the daughter of the current Lord Southampton.
All this means that Vicky has had the somewhat confused upbringing of the slightly-Muggle, slightly-magical Hogwarts student. Some might say that this is what has spurred her on to be so politically active, as she would wish to find her own place in the world to wipe away the effects of her mixed-up upbringing. They would never say this to her face, however, as Vicky is rather handy with the infamous Bat Bogey hex.
There was never any doubt – at least in her own mind – that she would follow her father to Hogwarts. Promptly being sorted into Gryffindor – a pleasing result, as she liked the idea of being able to play up to the daring reputation of the house when she wished, and there was a no stigma to the House these days – she spent the next few years making more allies than friends in other houses, although she gets on well with her dorm-mates. Academically she was not especially outstanding, being slightly above average, although her Head of House says that with a lot of effort, there could be one or two Os in her OWLs and beyond, and anything less than an E at this stage would be disappointing.
In the summer leading up to sixth year, Vicky had been spending her time at home in the genteel area of Chelsea, taking part in ladylike pursuits such as riding, swimming and going for long walks in order to relax before the tough year ahead. Until her seventh year started, however, she was cosseted in the Muggle world and only had snippets of information from friends about what was going on. Arriving at school for the 1997-98 academic year was something of a shock...
Appearing outwardly neutral, and with parents living outside of the wizarding world for the most part, Vicky managed to stay that way and protect herself. She had no idea that the DA existed and probably wouldn't have joined, having the paranoia of being traced back as a supporter of a rebellion. However, she couldn't stand the fact the Voldemort had the aim of Muggles. She doesn't feel particularly warmly towards them, but feels that as holders of a higher power, it is the responsibility of the wizarding world to protect, and not harm Muggles. She also lamented the fact that Voldemort's actions were close to betraying their existence to the Muggles in Britain - another worry of hers - and she feared what a maniac such as he could do with the power, once gained. When it came to the final battle, she protected Harry from the potential attack by Slytherins along with the rest of her house, as she had then begun to realise what her rightful place was - alongside the others. She didn't last terribly long in the fight, though - soon after their arrival, she twisted her knee pulling another student out of the way of one of the Acromantula. She just about managed to stagger out of the way, when said student insisted upon her going to safety and practically shoved her down the passageway to the Hog's Head. Her injury flares up on occasion, but not that often as it was seen to quickly.
Her final year passed with relative quiet, and she somehow managed to knuckle down and concentrate upon her NEWTs, doing better than expected. Her father having connections with the Muggle media, he helped to secure Vicky an interview as an intern at the WWN's news department. For the first three years or so after Hogwarts, it meant simple jobs such as fetching and carrying for senior staff, but Vicky was grateful to work in an interesting organisation. Eventually, she was able to secure a spot covering for the sick leave of the sports host, and even though she went back to her original position when he returned, she impressed enough to secure an auditon for the female anchor's position when the previous post-holder retired. Each woman had a week's worth of shows, and a little over a month later, she got the job. Vicky has held her job full time for the past three years.
It was not long after she had secured the full time anchor's role when she first met Justin Finch-Fletchley. The noted philanthropist had only been back in the UK for a couple of years but had been busy working on his new idea, The Colin Project. Vicky, having an interest in Muggle-Wizard matters herself due to her father's work, was the one who interviewed him about it to raise awareness of the project's aims.
Their situation in common of establishing themselves in new careers gave them something to talk about and bond over, and they became good friends. Justin often escorted Vicky to events - still as friends - and it wasn't to many people's surprise when their relationship took a romantic turn in August 2009. They decided to take things at a relaxed pace before committing, and after a period where they had spent sometimes days at a time in the the other's flat, they decided to make it official. Justin packed up his belongings and moved into Vicky's flat in Vertic Alley not long after their first anniversary.
Vicky herself would have been quite happy with this alone, at least for a while. They made a good pair, and neither did things around the house that the other felt to be too ridiculous. Yet, with Justin not long into his 30s and Vicky now in her late 20s, the subject of marriage had popped up when matters of the future did. They both thought that things would be headed that way, but in keeping with the nature of their courtship, decided to see how things were simply living together first. So it was not a surprise when Justin carried out his plan for a Christmas proposal at the end of 2010, but for Vicky this didn't make it any less exciting. Neither of them wanted a massive fuss about it, so for now the only people who know about the engagement are Justin's family, and Vicky's own parents and brother. Both are semi-public figures and don't want the attention that a big announcement would make.
connections and plot |
CONNECTIONS: Demsky, Azah - a friend of hers from school. Finch-Fletchley, Justin - her fiancé, with whom she lives in Vertic Alley.
SOUGHT CONNECTIONS: Weasley, Ginny - one of Vicky's dorm-mates from school. ??? - any other friends of hers from school, or work colleagues at the WWN - particularly the news show!
samples |
First person journal entries
Third person log - Vicky Frobisher and Anthony Goldstein
coding by looseapbs via rp_tutorials Heather GMT // Available daily heather_stanton@hotmail.com she_who_dares |
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Heather - Post a comment