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Heather - Kirke, Andrew
| Games: Euterpe's Corner, All's Well That Ends Well
Name: Gender: Male Date of Birth: June 1st, 1983 House/Year: Gryffindor, 1994-2001 Blood Status: Half Blood Sexuality: Heterosexual PB: AB de Villiers
Physical Characteristics: Andrew in looks alone is the kind of young man your mother would be delighted if you brought him home for tea. A blond haired, blue eyed, clean cut sort of bloke, his looks bring to mind those of a stereotypical boy-band member. At about an average height, standing 5’10 tall, he wears his hair short, freshly-washed and tidy – unless he is looking to impress a particular girl, in which case he attempts the artfully tousled look.
Something more noticeable by people his own age, however, is his surprisingly athletic physique. He may have been known for being utterly useless at Qudditch, but many years spent playing cricket with his Muggle friends, as well as going running and paying many visits to the gym have paid off. He is very rarely seen without a shirt on, but the strong, well-toned arms appearing from underneath have made many a swooning heart wonder about what lies beneath. Not that Andrew would notice, of course. He’s much too oblivious to that sort of thing.
Distant History: Andrew was born on a beautiful midsummer’s day in a little village in Oxfordshire, on a morning in which the sun shone and the birds sang – something about which his siblings, Jonathan and Susan (five and four years older than him respectively), teased him relentlessly over the years, saying it was no wonder his personality was so annoyingly cheerful, and that the day seemed to suit him as the much doted on, seemingly perfect baby of the family. It wasn’t until his little sister Martha was born six years later that they stopped.
Andrew is the third child of Ryan Kirke, one of a none-too-old magical line but one considered respectable enough by those in the hoity-toity blood elitist circles. It was a surprise to them all, then, when Ryan eloped with the Muggle Elize du Plessis, a blonde haired and blue eyed fashion model from South Africa, from whom Andrew inherited his enviable looks. He was the first of the siblings to be born in England, as his older brother Jonathan was a suspiciously ‘early’ baby, meaning that Ryan and Elize settled in her native Johannesburg for the first years of their marriage, until his parents were inclined to forgive them for their indiscreet behaviour.
Andrew was a popular child in his home village of Caulderstone-on-the-Wold, who could often be found playing cricket on the village green with his friends, a habit he kept up whenever he was home for the summer from Hogwarts. However, he had never known that his father was a wizard until the day he got his own Hogwarts letter – causing him to nearly faint in shock. When the surprise wore off, he found that he couldn’t wait to attend his new school, and immediately set to work figuring out how he could write to the Muggle boys in the village. He eventually settled on sending home letters in a big package to his father, who would then distribute the notes by Muggle means.
Andrew was sorted into Gryffindor almost immediately by the Sorting Hat, a fact that surprised both his family and his new friends. He had almost none of the favoured traits of that house – with the exception of perhaps chivalry, as the few girls he took on dates would testify (he opened doors, pulled back chairs, and never tried to take liberties). In fact, his terribly hard working nature, loyalty to his mates and innate sense of justice meant that everyone considered him to be the ideal Hufflepuff – something that the Hat also noticed, although Andrew will not admit to this without a drink or three inside him.
In 1996, during his second year, Andrew tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, despite only ever having played the game once before (he prefers broomstick racing). Much to his own surprise as much as anyone else's, he made the team in replacement of the famous Weasley twins when Professor Umbridge banned them for fighting. He had little of their talent, however, and at the end of his time in the squad he realised that his time was better spent playing Muggle sports that he actually knew well, such as his beloved cricket. He retired gracefully from Quidditch as soon as possible without ruining his dignity.
The academic year of 1997-1998, in which the Second Voldemort War raged and the Carrow regime had taken over the school, was a testing one for Andrew. He narrowly avoided being sent to Azkaban with the Muggleborns, due to an administrative error following the death of his father two years previously. Ryan Kirke had been killed trying to break up a bar fight, and the Minstry records then recorded Andrew as being a du Plessis, and thus, Muggleborn himself. Were it not for the quick thinking of some of Kirke Senior’s former colleagues in the Department of Mysteries, who found the correct versions of his birth records, he could have found himself in serious trouble. As a result, however, he found himself held in particular dislike by Alecto and Amycus Carrow, who picked on him whenever they could find an excuse. This became a turning point for Andrew, who saw it as the last straw and as an opportunity to fight back.
Under the influence of Neville Longbottom, a seventh year whilst Andrew studied in his fourth year, he began to heckle both of the hated teachers during their classes, graffitied the walls against them, and attempted to free students from punishments, often ending up in the infamous torture detentions himself. Still, he thought, at least he showed them all why the Sorting Hat had placed him in Gryffindor...
The Battle of Hogwarts treated him surprisingly well. Despite being underage, he and a group of his room-mates snuck back into the school and ganged up on Death Eaters as individuals – luring them away for what they suspected would be an easy one on one fight, before tackling them together as a gang. Together they detained two of the lesser known Death Eaters, as well as injuring another to the extent that he was able to be caught be the authorities later on. The proudest moment of Andrew’s life was when Kinglsey Shacklebolt had congratulated him for this.
Recent History: Having left school as a Gryffindor prefect and with the respectable NEWT results of EEA (Charms, COMC and Transfiguration), Andrew found a job in the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Magical Games and Sports. He is not as badly affected by the war as others – the main problem he has is with being bitter towards those he considers to be the real perpatrators. Anyone associated with the Death Eaters or those they Imperiused – well, he refuses to speak to them where possible, and will not associate with them at all if he can. Thinking about it too much will put him in a black mood that can last for days, but as he prefers to be his usual sunny self, he has learned to block this out for the most part. To others, his main legacy of the war would be the knife scar across his upper arm, given to him by Amycus Carrow for cheeking his sister Alecto, the other reason why he rarely takes off his shirt.
Current Employment Status: Entry level Administrator for the British and Irish Broomstick-racing League. Essentially his job entails keeping employment and results records for those who work for the League, although he occasionally is required to answer enquiries by the press and the public. He loves his job, but lives in hope for a promotion to the next level – which as well as paying more money and allowing for training in designing race courses, means that he won’t be the one treated as the office bitch and sent out to get coffee and lunch for the senior office staff.
Personality: Andrew is a very likeable, friendly sort of person, who will talk to anyone provided that they are open minded enough to speak with him. Having a Muggle mother, he is very protective of his own mixed-blood heritage and will stand up for anyone else who is picked on for having Muggle blood, be they Half-blood or Muggleborn. He has a sunny personality and is outgoing, but when it comes to flirting and girls, he becomes more shy and retiring as he doesn’t have a clue what to say or how to behave in such situations. When he does have the courage to take a girl out, though, he is a perfect gentleman. He’s never had a really serious relationship before, and has only slept with one girl – a girl from his own village in Oxfordshire – so although the ladies like him, he’s by no means a ladies’ man and is currently single.
He tries not to let anyone know about it, but Andrew still has rather strong feelings of grief for his father, even though his death happened some seven years ago. He and his Dad were very close and spent almost every minute together when Andrew was at home for the holidays, as he was the only sibling who went away to school. His being away for such long periods at a time, Andrew feels guilty about not having spent more time with him and as such this is his only regret about being a wizard. He still finds it difficult to hear mention of people spending time with their Dads and will try to ignore it, despite the best advice of his bereavement counsellor at St Mungo's.
The sort of person who gets on best with Andrew is someone like himself – he prefers to be around equally happy and friendly people, and is a little unsure about how to deal with those who are shy and quiet other than trying his best to bring them out of their shells. He enjoys a good time, although he isn’t a massive one for partying, and will love anyone who has an enthusiasm for Muggle sports, such as he does.
He will not get on with anyone who has blood elitist views, is snobby, or who had anything to do with the Death Eaters at any point during the war. Not only does he disagree with such opinions to the point of disagreeing with anything else such people say, he prefers to avoid them as he doesn’t want to risk triggering the black moods his grief counsellor, whom he still sees regarding the death of his father, says he is prone to.
Andrew is a pretty decent flatmate to have in that he is reliable enough to have around – he pays the bills and rent on time, is generous with sharing food and so on, and he won’t get annoyed if anyone plays their music loudly or brings people back to the flat. He’s pretty liberal in that sense and won’t mind if the flat is a bit messy, assuming you have a good reason for not tidying up.
However, Andrew’s own personal sense or organisation is somewhat confusing. He has his own mental filing system that no-one else but he can seem to comprehend, so when it’s his turn to clean and tidy the flat, it’ll get done – but you might find your belongings in really, really strange places. He’ll protest when you complain, too.
ANDREW Stephen Kirke |
FULL NAME -- Andrew Stephen Kirke GENDER -- Male BIRTHDAY/AGE -- May 23rd 1983, 27 BLOOD STATUS -- Half-blood SEXUAL ORIENTATION -- Heterosexual
APPEARANCE -- Andrew in looks alone is the kind of young man your mother would be delighted if you brought him home for tea. A blond haired, blue eyed, clean cut sort of bloke, his looks bring to mind those of a stereotypical boy-band member. At about an average height, standing 5’10 tall, he wears his hair short, freshly-washed and tidy – unless he is looking to impress a particular girl, in which case he attempts the artfully tousled look.
Something more noticeable by people his own age, however, is his surprisingly athletic physique. He may have been known for being utterly useless at Qudditch, but many years spent playing cricket with his Muggle friends, as well as going running and paying many visits to the gym have paid off. He is very rarely seen without a shirt on, but the strong, well-toned arms appearing from underneath have made many a swooning heart wonder about what lies beneath. Not that Andrew would notice, of course. He’s much too oblivious to that sort of thing. PB -- AB de Villiers
WAND -- Cherry, 12.5 inches with unicorn tail hair CURRENT RESIDENCE -- Phoenix Housing, sharing a flat with school friend Stewart Ackerley during the holidays. During the school term, he has an office and suite of rooms at Hogwarts School. OCCUPATION -- Junior DADA Professor at Hogwarts. FORMER HOUSE/YEARS -- Gryffindor, 1994-2001 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES -- Prefect, Quidditch (Beater) for part of the 95-96 season, baritone in the school choir. PETS, IF ANY -- A tawny owl named Boris, who occasionally sits on a perch at the back of his classroom. |
personality |
GENTLEMANLY Andrew is a little old fashioned in that he likes to do things for girls, such as opening doors and pulling out chairs. He sees it as a sign of respect for the women in his presence, rather than a prejudiced "they're weak and can't do it for themselves" point of view. LIKEABLE Andrew is an affable and friendly young man, without being loud and overly vocal. He is liked by students and adults alike for being generally relaxed, but very fair when it comes to discipline. He aims to be the cool teacher but at the same time does not allow liberties to be taken - and those who try learn quickly not to. SHY Particularly when it comes to women, Andrew is both dense (as in, he as no idea when a girl actually likes him) and very nervous. It took him a year to pluck up the courage to ask out his last girlfriend, and former Ravenclaw Stewart Ackerley, Andrew's flatmate, is increasingly annoyed at Andrew's reluctance to ask out his sister, Jessie. INSULAR Andrew sometimes subconsciously sets himself aside from big groups. He doesn't like many nights out living it up and much prefers a quiet night in. Having lost his father several years ago, Andrew finds it a little difficult to become very close to people. RELIABLE If you ask, need or expect Andrew to do something, he'll do it. He pays the rent on time, does his fair share of cleaning, is kind to the school House Elves and never sets surprise tests in class.
LIKES -- Tea, animals, helping people, curry, chilled out company. DISLIKES -- Soft drinks, insects, people who refuse help, salad, bitchy competitiveness. GOALS -- To get through his first five years in the job with a good success rate, potentially taking on further responsibilities. FEARS -- That he will screw up in a way that significantly affects someone's life. WHAT THEY ARE BEST AT -- Explaining big concepts in simple terms and being patient with those who don't understand - sometimes unfailingly so. WHAT THEY ARE WORST AT -- Being self confident, letting go of the past. YOUR CHARACTER'S MOTTO, OR A QUOTE THAT YOU FEEL REPRESENTS THEM WELL -- “The most essential factor is persistence - the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come.” - James Whitcombe Riley
Andrew is a very likeable, friendly sort of person, who will talk to anyone provided that they are open minded enough to speak with him. Having a Muggle mother, he is very protective of his own mixed-blood heritage and will stand up for anyone else who is picked on for having Muggle blood, be they Half-blood or Muggleborn. He has a sunny personality and is outgoing, but when it comes to flirting and girls, he becomes more shy and retiring as he doesn’t have a clue what to say or how to behave in such situations. When he does have the courage to take a girl out, though, he is a perfect gentleman. |
First House: You'll need track shoes to keep up with these Geminis. They have so much energy that they exhaust nearly everyone, save other Gryffindor Geminis. In class, they love to get into debates with the professor. Out of class, they love to get into trouble. These Gryffindor Geminis are as easily stirred by romantic dreams and noble causes as any other Gryffindors, although their involvement is more mental than practical - they lack the fortitude for battle and are best left passing propaganda to the real warriors.
Secondary House: Ravenclaw Geminis are geniuses of communication. They debate ideas, write brilliant treatises, teach exciting classes, read large numbers of books on a regular basis, and study arcane languages. Because Mercury the planet is associated with the alchemical substance of quicksilver, the god Hermes (the messenger of the gods, and the conductor or dead souls to the Underworld), and the historical founder of alchemy, Hermes Trismagistus, many Ravenclaw Geminis also excel at the study of alchemy. These Ravenclaws are some of the best and most brilliant of their class, but they need to learn to finish the projects they start, and to differentiate between what is viable and what is best left as a "really great idea." |
appearance |
Portrayed By: AB de Villiers Nationality: British (English) Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'10 Build: Athletic, but not heavily muscled Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond
relationships |
MOTHER -- Elizabeth Melissa Kirke (née Mc Vey), 50, Muggle. Currently based in London, where she works as the secretary and PA to the New Zealand High Commissioner. FATHER -- Ryan Michael Kirke, 36, Pureblood, formerly of Gryffindor. Died in 1995. Worked as an Unspeakable in the Brain Room of the Department of Mysteries. SIBLINGS? Jonathan Ewan Kirke, 32, formerly of Ravenclaw. Currently works as an Unspeakable in the Time Room of the Department of Mysteries. Susan Melissa Kirke, 31, formerly of Ravenclaw. Currently works as an Unspeakable in the Love Room of the Department of Mysteries. Martha Jessica Kirke, 21, formerly of Gryffindor. Currently working in the Experimental Charms office, though she hopes to apply for the job of the second Charms Professor at Hogwarts in a few years. Via Andrew she has arranged to assist Professor Flitwick in the school holidays. MARITAL STATUS/SPOUSE? Andrew is single, though perhaps one day he will become aware of the hopeless crush that Jessie Ackerley (25), sister of his flatmate Stewart, has upon him. OTHERS OF IMPORTANCE? Flatmate Stewart Ackerley, who was his best friend at Hogwarts. They were in the same year and have shared their flat on Diagon Alley for a while now. |
history |
Andrew was born on a beautiful midsummer’s day in a little village in Oxfordshire, on a morning in which the sun shone and the birds sang – something about which his siblings, Jonathan and Susan (five and four years older than him respectively), teased him relentlessly over the years, saying it was no wonder his personality was so annoyingly cheerful, and that the day seemed to suit him as the much doted on, seemingly perfect baby of the family. It wasn’t until his little sister Martha was born six years later that they stopped.
Andrew is the third child of Ryan Kirke, one of a none-too-old magical line but one considered respectable enough by those in the hoity-toity blood elitist circles. It was a surprise to them all, then, when Ryan eloped with the Muggle Elizabeth Mc Vey, a blonde haired and blue eyed student travelling around Europe on her gap year, from New Zealand. Andrew inherited his enviable looks from her. He was the first of the siblings to be born in England, as his older brother Jonathan was a suspiciously ‘early’ baby, meaning that Ryan and Elizabath settled in her native Auckland for the first years of their marriage, until his parents were inclined to forgive them for their indiscreet behaviour.
Andrew was a popular child in his home village of Caulderstone-on-the-Wold, who could often be found playing cricket on the village green with his friends, a habit he kept up whenever he was home for the summer from Hogwarts. However, he had never known that his father and siblings were magical until the day he got his own Hogwarts letter – causing him to nearly faint in shock. When the surprise wore off, he found that he couldn’t wait to attend his new school, and immediately set to work figuring out how he could write to the Muggle boys in the village. He eventually settled on sending home letters in a big package to his father, who would then distribute the notes by Muggle means.
Andrew was sorted into Gryffindor almost immediately by the Sorting Hat, a fact that surprised both his family and his new friends. He had almost none of the favoured traits of that house – with the exception of perhaps chivalry, as the few girls he took on dates would testify (he opened doors, pulled back chairs, and never tried to take liberties). In fact, his terribly hard working nature, loyalty to his mates and innate sense of justice meant that everyone considered him to be the ideal Hufflepuff – something that the Hat also noticed, although Andrew will not admit to this without a drink or three inside him.
In 1996, during his second year, Andrew tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, despite only ever having played the game once before. Much to his own surprise as much as anyone else's, he made the team in replacement of the famous Weasley twins when Professor Umbridge banned them for fighting. He had little of their talent, however, and at the end of his time in the squad he realised that his time was better spent playing Muggle sports that he actually knew well, such as his beloved cricket. He retired gracefully from Quidditch as soon as possible without ruining his dignity.
The academic year of 1997-1998, in which the Second Voldemort War raged and the Carrow regime had taken over the school, was a testing one for Andrew. He narrowly avoided being sent to Azkaban with the Muggleborns, due to an administrative error following the death of his father two years previously. Ryan Kirke had been killed trying to break up a bar fight, and the Minstry records then recorded Andrew as being a Mc Vey, and thus, Muggleborn himself. Were it not for the quick thinking of some of Kirke Senior’s former colleagues in the Department of Mysteries, who found the correct versions of his birth records, he could have found himself in serious trouble. As a result, however, he found himself held in particular dislike by Alecto and Amycus Carrow, who picked on him whenever they could find an excuse. This became a turning point for Andrew, who saw it as the last straw and as an opportunity to fight back.
Under the influence of Neville Longbottom, a seventh year whilst Andrew studied in his fourth year, he began to heckle both of the hated teachers during their classes, graffitied the walls against them, and attempted to free students from punishments, often ending up in the infamous torture detentions himself. Still, he thought, at least he showed them all why the Sorting Hat had placed him in Gryffindor...
The Battle of Hogwarts treated him surprisingly well. Despite being underage, he and a group of his room-mates snuck back into the school and ganged up on Death Eaters as individuals – luring them away for what they suspected would be an easy one on one fight, before tackling them together as a gang. Together they detained two of the lesser known Death Eaters, as well as injuring another to the extent that he was able to be caught be the authorities later on. The proudest moment of Andrew’s life was when Kinglsey Shacklebolt had congratulated him for this.
Having left school with respectable grades, Andrew began his adult life working in one of the entry level positions at the Department of International Magical Co-operation, as an assistant to one of the British members of the International Council of Wizards. He was somewhat influenced in this by his mother's career change, who by this point had taken a position working for the New Zealand High Commissioner in London. She had moved away from their Oxfordshire family home to be closer to her two older children, now Unspeakables in the Department of Mysteries.
He stayed in this post for nearly six years, gradually being promoted from intern positions to the post of press officer to the department. He had always wanted to go into teaching, however, and when he bumped into Donald Grande in the Leaky Cauldron, he found out that the older man was looking for a colleague in the DADA department. Minerva McGonagall's decision to expand the number of teaching posts at the prestigious school paid off for Andrew, and at the age of 24 he became a Hogwarts Professor in training. He has now been working there for three years, and couldn't be happier with his job. He spends the school holidays in his "proper" home, a flat he shares in Diagon Alley with old pal Stewart Ackerley.
connections and plot |
Existing Connections: Ackerley, Stewart - The flatmate and friend since Hogwarts. Andrew was the Gryffindor Prefect to Stewart's Head Boy, and when Andrew isn't living at the school, he shares a flat with Stewart in the Phoenix Housing building in Diagon Alley. Stewart likes to tease him relentlessly, particularly about his ineptitude with girls.
Sought Connections: *Fellow members of the DA. *Fellow Hogwarts staff. *Residents of Hogsmeade. *Residents of Diagon Alley. *Classmates at Hogwarts. *Ackerley, Jessie - Stewart's younger sister who has a hopeless crush on Andrew (that he reciprocates, he just hasn't worked it out yet).
samples |
First Person samples
Third Person samples
coding by looseapbs via rp_tutorials |
Ordinary Wizarding Level Scores
Education Beginning: September 1, 1994
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Gryffindor
Results Published: June 30, 1997
O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable
P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll
Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam. |
Course Name | Score |
Ancient Runes | N/A |
Arithmancy | EE |
Astronomy | EE |
Care of Magical Creatures | EE |
Charms | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | EE |
Divination | N/A |
Herbology | O |
History of Magic | EE |
Muggle Studies | N/A |
Potions | O |
Transfiguration | O |
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Scores
Education Beginning: September 1, 1994
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Gryffindor
Results Published: June 30, 1999
O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable
P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll
Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam. |
Course Name | Score |
Ancient Runes | N/A |
Arithmancy | N/A |
Astronomy | N/A |
Care of Magical Creatures | N/A |
Charms | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | O |
Divination | N/A |
Herbology | O |
History of Magic | N/A |
Muggle Studies | N/A |
Potions | O |
Transfiguration | O |
Credit: nimbuschick | comments: Leave a comment  |
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Heather - Kirke, Andrew