Heather - Post a comment
| Games: Lorem Ipsum
Fabian Ignotus Prewett 'Fight till the last breath' - William Shakespeare FULL NAME: Fabian Ignotus Prewett NAME MEANING: Fabian - the name of several Roman emperors and generals, meaning 'one who grows'. Ignotus - the humblest and wisest of the three brothers in the Tales of Beedle the Bard. It literally means 'Unknown'. Prewett - originally French, meaning 'brave little one'. NICKNAMES: Fab, Fabe, Fabes... any other variants you can think of, he'll answer to most.
DATE OF BIRTH: January 23rd, 1950 CURRENT AGE: 17, turning 18. BLOODLINE: Pure-blood. Related to the Black family through marriage, described as cousins - it can therefore be said that the Prewetts are a family with a reasonably old line, although unlike the Blacks, they appear to be less strict on the matters of blood purity. SEXUALITY: Nominally heterosexual in that he wouldn't consider anything but relationships with girls in the long term, but he doesn't see the harm in seeing what it might be like to snog a bloke, just the once.
PARENTS: Herman and Beatrice Prewett. Herman works in the Floo Network Authority at the Ministry, where Beatrice was a secretary before deciding to be a stay at home mother following Molly's birth. SIBLINGS: Gideon, his identical twin - seven minutes younger than he. Molly, his sister, a year younger. All three of the siblings are in Gryffindor. FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS: Perhaps a lingering matter from being the eldest, Fabian always did his best to grab his parents' attention. He didn't misbehave on purpose, but growing up he would be loud, cheeky, and occasionally pull pranks. He got the attention he wanted, for the most part (as well as punishments, which he didn't), though these days he his more secure of the love he gets from both of his parents that he has settled down a bit in their company, making home life slightly more relaxed. As is to be expected from identical twins, Fabian and Gideon are thick as thieves. Very close, they spend most of their time together and are basically best friends, although not always to the exclusion of others. Physically, to most people they are identical to the point of being unrecognisable, though those in Gryffindor who know them well will be able to spot the "tells" that give the game away - Fabian is ever so slightly taller due to his straighter posture, whereas Gideon slouches more. Fabian looks as though he is on the alert most of the time, whereas Gideon is more laid back and relaxed. There is also the fact that Fabian sports two (non magical) tattoos and Gideon just the one - though only the members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team will be aware of those. With Molly, Fabian gladly plays the role of bossy elder sibling, insisting that he is older and wiser, despite the age gap of a little under a year. However, he is also fiercely protective of her and will take on anyone who crosses the quieter, sweeter girl, no matter who the aggressor is. As a result, they are probably more loyal than emotionally close, but that doesn't mean he loves his baby sister any less.
School. 'Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you.' - El CordobesHOUSE & YEAR: Gryffindor, 1962-1968 WAND: Alder wood, 12.5 inches, Thestral tail hair core. Alder is said to symbolise telling truths from falsehoods, and like the phoenix, the ability to rise back from defeat. PREFECT or HEAD: Ha ha, no. LOYALTY: Dumbledore and the Order ALL THE WAY! BOGGART: Himself, locked up and wandless. ANIMAGUS:N/A. METAMORPHMAGUS: N/A. PATRONUS: Ironically for such an ardent Gryffindor, it is an Eagle - the symbol of courage, bravery, spirit and strength. CLASSES: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions and Transfiguration. All the classes required to be an Auror, and some may expect this to be his ambition. As will be seen below, that assumption would be incorrect. OWLS SCORES: Here. QUIDDITCH: Hells yes. A Chaser for the house team and he loves it, although he enjoys a dabble at beating from time to time. CLUBS: Duelling club, of course!
Appearance. ''The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.' - Thucydides
Fabian is a tall young man, standing at 6'2 in bare feet. Due to the position he plays in Quidditch, he isn't huge in the muscle department - but the strength required for good Quaffle control is evident in his lithe body. Whilst not the most physically imposing, he doesn't look like the kind of guy you'd want to mess with in a physical fight, either. He carries himself carefully and his posture usually reflects his mood - if you catch him slouching in a moment of down time, you have him at one of his more relaxed and comfortable moments. If you need a favour from him, that is one of the signs to watch out for. Usually, however, his desire to pay attention to what others are up to is demonstrated by the way he sits in an uncommonly straight sort of way.
Asides from a couple of minor allergies - Fabian's pollen allergy flares up during the June-August hayfever season and he also reacts to salmon and salmon oil - he is in good physical health and makes the effort to go outside for fresh air as often as possible, which has the added bonus of promoting his mental and emotional well-being as well as the physical. If Fabian is a fit and healthy young man, it's because he works damned hard for it.
Whilst not as dashing or obviously hot as other males in the school, Fabian does pretty well for himself in terms of women who find him attractive. The sort of girl who likes a more clean-cut, boy next door type go nuts for the Prewett twins, though as of yet they haven't tried any of the date-swap twin related pranks. They're not that mean. The couple of girls he's dated - none of them seriously - are privy to the fact that his body is pretty fine when not in school or Quidditch robes, and the more recent ex will know of the placement of the first of his tattoos, at least. The first is on the back of his neck, where it meets the shoulder blades and is thus out of sight when wearing clothes. The second, which he obtained a month before returning to school for his seventh year, is on his chest. Both are tribal symbols and mean something to him, though the meaning itself is private.
His hair is brown and cut reasonably short - not short enough to look thuggish but just so it sits neatly on his head without little effort. He is, dare we say it, a little lazy when it comes to his personal appearance and likes to just get up, throw on his clothes (many items of which were bought for him rather than of his own choosing) and head out of the door.
History. 'You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you' - Mary Tyler Moore
Early childhood The firstborn child of Herman and Beatrice Prewett (admittedly, only by seven minutes), Fabian always liked to think of himself as something of a leader. Born to two low-to-mid level Ministry of Magic workers, the Prewetts had a solidly middle class, regular upbringing, and as a youngster, Fabian always enjoyed shaking up the 'normalness' of the household by co-creating the chaos that could be expected from a rambunctious pair of identical male twins. The tiny boys even got hold of adult family members' wands at times which caused no end of trouble, though later on it gave Fabian ideas when it came to undoing poor attempts at magic.
The time where the twins had their parents' full attention was not long, however. Born in January 1950, a small, cute female diversion arrived in October of that year in the shape of their baby sister Molly. Something of a surprise addition to the Prewett family, the advantage it brought the children was that it prompted Beatrice's decision to stay at home full time to look after the children. Fabian always felt the benefit of this, as it was easier for him to feel that his mother was giving him the attention he required, even if it had to be shared three ways instead of two. It made him feel loved and secure, however, and his childhood was certainly a happy one.
Fabian's first sign of magic came, somewhat predictably, at the same time as his brother's. Aged five, they had been rolling around outside in the mud - much to their mother's chagrin - and were waiting for the return of their father when 'it' happened. Instead of a scolding for causing a mess, the boys ended up causing excitement and winning praise when the mud spectacularly vanished, leaving the house cleaner than it had probably ever been. To this day, neither twin is entirely sure which of them began it, and Fabian at least would rather not know.
Hogwarts: The Early Years
Early in 1961 when the twins turned eleven, it was of little surprise that they received letters inviting them to take up a place at the prestigious wizarding school of Hogwarts. Fabian, although a little nervous at the idea of leaving home for the first time, was comforted by the idea that he would not, at least, be alone. With Gideon at his side to bolster his strength, he threw himself into school preparation as best as he could, though his mother had to stop him from experimenting using the newly bought wand that was purchased after receiving the news.
Bounding onto the Hogwarts Express with excitement, Fabian probably surprised more than a few people with his complete lack of shyness when it came to approaching new people and asking them about school life. He learned about the different houses and their reputations from a number of different sources and decided that Gryffindor sounded the best by far - though this was probably influenced by the cool Gryffindor sixth years who took the boys under their wings for the duration of the journey and told them about all sorts of things their parents would never have told them.
It took precisely four seconds for the Sorting Hat to declare that the house of Godric was the place for him, and not much longer for Gideon, either. It was a huge pleasure and relief to him that their Sortings matched, and it meant that he began his education happily and with the stability of knowing that he could take risks where necessary when it came to making friends - he did not hold back in his dealings with others, knowing that at least he had his brother at his side.
Hogwarts: the interrim years and present day
The next five years or so passed oddly quickly in Fabian's view, despite the number of things that happened to him. In his second year, Molly joined the twins at Hogwarts and was also sorted into Gryffindor, something that they naturally teased her about. Fabian took to the role of protective big brother with gusto, insisting on giving advice whether it was needed or not. It was around this time that the idea of leadership in the future really began to appeal to him, though not through the form of being a prefect - this seemed like too much hard work to him. No, he took on a sort of natural leadership amongst his peers by being the bold one, the one who led revenges against the school bullies, the one who had enough nouse to ensure that they weren't caught. He built up something of a loyal friendship base this way, and he has always acted bravely in the defence of justice.
In his third year, he and Gideon both tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, initially as beaters. Whilst showing promise, the then captain decided that the team didn't really need two new beaters, and encouraged them to try out for Chaser, where the team needed some efficient back-up. Their good relationship transferred onto the pitch, and they were excellent reserves, though only required once. In fourth year, they replaced two Chasers - one who had left school, one who quit to spend extra time studying for the NEWTs - and were something of a support act to their more experienced colleague, producing some typically spectacular defensive moves to protect his shots on goal.
The first real test of Fabian's wizarding skills came with the OWLs in 1966, at the end of his fifth year. Unsurprisingly, given the number of times he fell asleep in that class, he failed History of Magic (not that he cared). His good results came in subjects where he had a natural interest and particularly so with wand magic - he did better in Charms and DADA than Herbology and Potions, for instance. To this day, he believes that this is what makes him a good duellist. Since then, through sixth year and at the beginning of his seventh, he has knuckled down slightly more to his studies, following a bit of a talking to from his father, who wants nothing more from his children than to do themselves justice. He approves of Fabian's career plans, and told him off purely to make him realise what is at stake. It hasn't stopped Fabian being quite his usual jocular, slightly mad, affectionate self, however.
Personality. 'True bravery is shown by performing without witness what one might be capable of doing before all the world' - François de la Rochefoucauld
The Gryffindor Aquarius Gryffindor Aquarians are the social activists and loons of their House. They'll picket for House Elf Liberation. They'll wear their robes inside out because they spent all night reading, not pay attention to how they dressed the next day, and not care if their rumpled appearance is pointed out to them. They are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions, even if doing so makes enemies. They are apt to question authority. "Even Merlin was wrong, some of the time," they'll say, shrugging. While not particularly good at dealing with crisis situations (they stress out easily) they do tend to have enough foresight to see the situations coming, and prevent them from happening in the first place. They can be flamboyantly talented, but are less interested in using their talent to "make it big" than in using it to make a better life for themselves or other people. Because Gryffindor tends to be a flamboyant house, these oddballs (they are always odd) tend to stick out for being unusual.Just because Fabian carries himself physically with good posture and alertness, doesn't mean he behaves in a prissy and straitlaced fashion - oh no. The good habits he keeps for his physicality do not transfer across to his personality - in short, Fabian is quite contentedly bonkers. He is as neat as one could perhaps expect a short-sighted Hippogriff to be with his possessions, and when prompted can cause just as much chaos. He stays true to his beliefs and won't respect someone automatically because they have a badge or a title - in Fabian's book, respect has to be earned. He does have the tendency to flip out a little at first sign of a crisis, but this is merely his boundless energy responding to a situation, and given a short amount of time for it to escape, Fabian rises admirably to the challenge. He is also pretty good at reading a situation - the result of his natural state of alertness - and is talented enough to be a valued colleague on your side if you end up in a fight. Though he failed his History of Magic OWL - the subject was just too dry to hold any real interest for him - Fabian is more intelligent than his cheerful, slightly odd demeanour belies. When he can be bothered, he is a worthy opponent at sports, games, conversation, or any other pursuits that one can name. He is reasonably fair in defeat, though if you don't play by the rules with him, all bets are off. His chivalry will only go so far. Strengths: Fabian is loyal, protective, fierce, open and brave like few other people you will meet. If you wanted someone to duel for your life, he wouldn't be a bad bet at all. Magically, he is excellent at defensive spells and would make a good DADA tutor for the younger years if only he was a more responsible person. Nonetheless, he does teach them how to perform certain enchantments beyond their years, but usually as revenge against bullies instead of taking a more sensible route. Because he is not usually known as a prankster a la Messrs Black, Potter, Pettigrew and Lupin, he can usually be sneaky enough to get away with the spells he uses for the benefit of others. Weaknesses: Though chivalrous and mostly fair, when it comes to Slytherins, all bets are (usually) off. He is more than a little prejudiced when it comes to that lot, though he recognises when one of them is not one of the purist, bullying types and generally leaves them alone. However, he most definitely buys into the house rivalry and stereotypes and will go along with the crowd of the rest of Gryffindors when it comes to that sort of thing. Academically, he can be lazy when something doesn't interest him and tries to back off the practical work in the Herbology summer months due to his allergies. Goals: Fabian is an idealist who wants to do some genuine good in the world. He would make a good Auror, though this particular route doesn't interest him. If the wizarding world had such things, he would like to be a spy, but will settle for being either a Hit Wizard (for it is not just the Dark and evil wizards who are a nuisance to society) or a role as part of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. He hasn't quite decided yet, though he is leaning slightly towards the DMLE route. Fears: Being so close to his family and so loyal to his circle of friends (and more widely, to his fellow Gryffindors), Fabian is terribly afraid of being left alone and with no-one to go through life with at his side. out of character. OOC STUFFS OOC STUFFS OOC STUFFS. NAME: Heather AIM: shewhodares85 EMAIL ADDRESS AND MSN: heather_stanton@hotmail.com IJ: she_who_dares AVAILABILITY: Daily EXPERIENCE: See CDJ.
Private to: Gryffindors Fuck me, what a game. If those bloody Slytherins play like that against us then I say it's war. End
Private to: Gideon For the love of Merlin, tell me you didn't tell Molly about the new tattoo? Because if she knows, I really don't want to risk Mum finding out either. I'd rather do without the Howler, ta. End
Sometimes, I wish I was a Beater and able to knock seven bells out of things all day. Kind of looks like fun to me, or instead of fun, perhaps I should say satisfying. I've never claimed to be above a spot of revenge, after all.
Trudging back through the mud after another practice without Alice, Fabian couldn't help but feel despondent. Potter was a good captain replacement, sure, but without their first choice Seeker and usual leader, there seemed to be an awful sense of foreboding in the air. What would the Slytherins try next, if they were capable of this? At least the Ravenclaws had a sense of fair play, but it had to be said, the elder twin didn't trust the Snakes to have the same sense of integrity.
Fabian peeled off his wet robes the instant he got back to the changing rooms, dumping them on the floor and heading to the showers without bothering to dry them - a heating charm could wait for later. Finally starting to warm up under the temperature of the water, his muscles felt more relaxed and looser than they had done for days. The post-practice showers had to be one of the best things about Quidditch, he felt. No gain without pain, and all that.
As good as it felt, however, he couldn't stay there forever. Reluctantly, he took his wand from the shelf in the shower - right now he didn't feel safe leaving it anywhere - and tapped the switch to turn it off. Removing his dry towel from its safe place, he wrapped himself up and headed back out into the locker area, wondering how the team could come back from here.
Ordinary Wizarding Level Scores
Education Beginning: September 1, 1994
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Gryffindor
Results Published: June 30, 1997
O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable
P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll
Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam. |
Course Name | Score |
Ancient Runes | N/A |
Arithmancy | EE |
Astronomy | EE |
Care of Magical Creatures | EE |
Charms | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | EE |
Divination | N/A |
Herbology | O |
History of Magic | EE |
Muggle Studies | N/A |
Potions | O |
Transfiguration | O |
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Scores
Education Beginning: September 1, 1994
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Gryffindor
Results Published: June 30, 1999
O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable
P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll
Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam. |
Course Name | Score |
Ancient Runes | N/A |
Arithmancy | N/A |
Astronomy | N/A |
Care of Magical Creatures | N/A |
Charms | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | O |
Divination | N/A |
Herbology | O |
History of Magic | N/A |
Muggle Studies | N/A |
Potions | O |
Transfiguration | O |
Credit: nimbuschick |
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Heather - Post a comment