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Current Location:Cumbria, UK
Subject:Samuels, Jason
Time:10:34 pm
Current Mood:accomplished
About You
Name: Heather
Age: 25
Timezone | Availability: GMT (Weekends, Weekday evenings)
Experience: [info]justkevin
Contact Info:
Email: See info for [info]justkevin.

The Character
Basics --

Full Name: Jason David Alexander Samuels.
Gender: Male.
Wand: 13.5 inches, walnut with dragon heartstring core.
Birthday | Age: 23rd October 1981, 17 going on 18.
Blood Status: Pureblood - well, ish. Jason says there are most likely Muggles and Halfbloods way back along the lines somewhere, but no-one's all that bothered so they haven't checked. Pure enough to have avoided the Muggleborn Registration Committee, which is the main thing.
Sexual Orientation | Marital Status: Heterosexual, single.
Occupation: Hogwarts Student and Prefect.
Appearance: Jason in looks alone is the kind of young man your mother would be delighted if you brought him home for tea. A light brown haired, blue eyed, clean cut sort of bloke, his looks bring to mind those of a stereotypical boy-band member. At about an average height, standing 5’10 tall, he wears his hair short, freshly-washed and tidy – unless he is looking to impress a particular girl, in which case he attempts the artfully tousled look.

Something more noticeable by people his own age, however, is his surprisingly athletic physique. He may be utterly useless at Qudditch, but many years spent going running and paying many visits to the local Muggle gym have paid off. He is very rarely seen without a shirt on, but the strong, well-toned arms appearing from underneath have made many a swooning heart wonder about what lies beneath. Not that Jason would notice, of course. He’s much too focused on his studies to notice that sort of thing.
Played By: Choice #1: Xavier Samuel. Choice #2: Open to suggestions, possibly Luke Mitchell and change the character to blond.
Journal Name: [info]ravenclawjase

History --
Hometown: Preston, Lancashire, England.
Current Residence: Leyland, a few miles outside of Preston.
[Former] House | Years: Ravenclaw, going into his 7th year.
Family -- describe every important member and your characters relationship.
Parents --
Mother: Carolina du Plessis, 47, a South African born witch who attended school there.
Father: Ryan Samuels, 48, deceased (see below). Formerly of Ravenclaw.
Siblings? Elder Brother: James Jackson Andrew Samuels. 22. Formerly of Ravenclaw (1995), now in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Engaged to Cassandra Michaels, who was in his year in Hogwarts, but in Gryffindor. Jason idolises his big brother and has the best relationship with him of his other siblings.
Elder Sister: Catherine Jenna Amy Samuels. 21. Formerly of Ravenclaw (1996), currently unemployed having left the Department of International Magical Relations when the War began again. She is currently considering re-entering the Department, having been offered her old job back.
Younger Sister: Larissa Lucia Eleanor Samuels. 14, going into her 4th year in Ravenclaw.
Character/Family History (up until the Battle of Hogwarts):
Jason was born on a beautiful autumn day in Preston, Lancashire, on a morning in which the sun shone and the birds sang – something about which his siblings, James and Catherine (four and three years older than him respectively), teased him relentlessly over the years, saying it was no wonder his personality was so annoyingly cheerful, and that the day seemed to suit him as the much doted on, seemingly perfect baby of the family. It wasn’t until his little sister Larissa was born three years later that they stopped.

Jason is the third child of Ryan Samuels, one of a none-too-old magical line but one considered respectable enough by those in the hoity-toity blood elitist circles. It was a surprise to them all, then, when Ryan eloped with Carolina du Plessis, a blonde haired and blue eyed fashion model from South Africa, from whom Jason inherited his enviable looks. He was the first of the siblings to be born in England, as his older brother James was a suspiciously ‘early’ baby, meaning that Ryan and Carolina settled in her native Pretoria for the first years of their marriage, until his parents were inclined to forgive them for their indiscreet behaviour.

Jason was a popular child in the Muggle primary school that he attended, and could often be found playing football on the playing field with his friends, a habit he kept up whenever he was home for the summer from Hogwarts. However, he had never known that his father was a wizard until the day his elder brother got his own Hogwarts letter – causing him to nearly faint in shock. When the surprise wore off, he found that he couldn’t wait to attend his new school in James' footsteps, and immediately set to work figuring out how he could write to the Muggle boys in their street. He eventually settled on sending home letters in a big package to his father, who would then distribute the notes by Muggle means.

Jason was sorted into Ravenclaw almost immediately by the Sorting Hat, a fact that did not surprise his family or his new friends. His father's line had been Ravenclaw going back over a hundred years, and his mother, who attended a magical girls' academy in Cape Town, had possessed a good academic record. However, his terribly hard working nature, loyalty to his mates and innate sense of justice meant that everyone considered him to be the ideal Hufflepuff – something that the Hat also noticed, although Jason will not admit to this without a drink or three inside him.

The majority of his academic career went in a rather simple, some would say boring fashion. Having had it drilled into him that he must work hard in order to achieve the all important academic success, Jason spent time in the library or the common room studying, rather than attempting to join the Quidditch team. His friends would gleefully tell you that he's an awful flier. In his third year he selected the optional subjects of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, and in his fifth year - his first as Ravenclaw prefect - he attained an excellent set of OWL grades as reward. Herbology and Potions were the only subjects in which he did not achieve an O grade, attaining an E. For his sixth year, he chose to continue on with Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, History of Magic, Charms and Transfiguration. Though as we all know, the academic year 1997-8 was not an easy one...

Personality --
Patronus: At the moment it's an indistinct blur, although when he succeeds, it'll be a white hare.
Boggart: A masked Death Eater, raising his/her wand...
Magical Strengths & Weaknesses: Jason has a rather good brain for the theory behind magic and working out the technical aspects behind spells and how they originate. As a result, the wand-free subjects were best suited to his natural talents, but that's not to say he can't use one well.
His main weakness is flying - he just can't stay on straight and conceded long ago at as a mode of transport it will be forever excluded to him. Academically he is weaker at Potions, although still reasonable at it. He's just never sure when to make judgment calls that something is 'done' enough, and that frustrates him terribly.
Likes | Dislikes: LIKES: Chocolate Frogs, reading classic literature, exercise, quiet moments alone in the school grounds, writing and composition of text.
DISLIKES: Cooking, fixing mistakes, Quidditch fanatics, thinking about the future, being reminded about his Dad.
Fears & Goals: FEARS: That the mystery Death Eater who killed his father in a duel will come back and finish off the rest of the family. Compared to that thought, nothing intimidates him.
GOALS: To find out who killed his father, and see them punished. Beyond that he has lost his way, somewhat, and long term friends of his will have noticed that he doesn't really have future goals.

Personality:Jason is a very likeable, friendly sort of person, who will talk to anyone provided that they are open minded enough to speak with him. Having a foreign mother, he is very protective of his own mixed-blood heritage and will stand up for anyone else who is picked on for having Muggle blood, be they Half-blood or Muggleborn, or mixed blood of other kinds. He has a sunny personality and is outgoing, but when it comes to flirting and girls, he becomes more shy and retiring as he doesn’t have a clue what to say or how to behave in such situations. When he does have the courage to take a girl out, though, he is a perfect gentleman. He’s only really dated two girls and has only slept with one – a girl from his home town – so although the ladies like him, he’s by no means a ladies’ man and is currently single.

The sort of person who gets on best with Andrew is someone like himself – he prefers to be around equally happy and friendly people, and is a little unsure about how to deal with those who are shy and quiet other than trying his best to bring them out of their shells.

Jason's own personal sense of organisation is somewhat confusing. He has his own mental filing system that no-one else but he can seem to comprehend, so when it’s his turn to clean and tidy up, it’ll get done – but you might find your belongings in really, really strange places. He’ll protest when you complain, too.

The War --
Affiliation? Unaware at first of the DA, but sympathetic in their views. He will not get on with anyone who has blood elitist views, is snobby, or who had anything to do with the Death Eaters at any point during the war. Not only does he disagree with such opinions to the point of disagreeing with anything else such people say, he prefers to avoid them as he doesn’t want to risk triggering the black moods his grief counsellor, whom he still sees regarding the death of his father, says he is prone to.
Role played in the second war:The academic year of 1997-1998, in which the Second Voldemort War raged and the Carrow regime had taken over the school, was a testing one for Jason. He narrowly avoided being sent to Azkaban with the Muggleborns, due to an administrator with Death Eater sympathies deliberately fudging his family's records, following his father's refusal to provide a northern base for the soon to be formed groups of Snatchers. Were it not for the quick thinking of some of Samuels Senior’s colleagues in the Department of Mysteries, who found the correct versions of his birth records, he could have found himself in serious trouble.
Under the influence of Neville Longbottom, a seventh year whilst Jason studied in his sixth year, he began to heckle both of the hated teachers during their classes, graffitied the walls against them, and attempted to free students from punishments, often ending up in the infamous torture detentions himself.
Was your character injured in any way, either permanently or temporarily? Physically, no. However, emotionally he is still scarred by his father's death, having seen it before his own eyes during the Battle of Hogwarts. Ryan Samuels entered the castle along with the parents of other students who remained to fight, and fought alongside his son in the attempt to drive back a couple of Death Eaters who were attempting to break into one of the escape routes out of the castle. An unknown Death Eater, frustrated at their team's refusal to move, hit Samuels senior right in the chest with a killing curse before fleeing. Jason and his brother saw everything happen.
Where was your character when Harry Potter won? At the side of the Great Hall with his elder siblings, watching the final duel unfold.
How does your character feel about the end result? Jason was ultimately relieved that the right side won, but still has very strong feelings of grief for his father. His being away for such long periods at a time at school means that Jason feels guilty about not having spent more time with him, and as such this is his only regret about being a wizard. He still finds it difficult to hear mention of people spending time with their Dads and will try to ignore it, despite the best advice of his bereavement counsellor at St Mungo's.

Samples --
First Person:
So... not long till Hogwarts. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope, going back there again, seeing where Dad... you know. This will be the first time I've been able to see the Thestrals, which is bad enough for me, but all those other people as well? It's awful. Normally I'm good with words, but there's nothing extreme enough to describe how it feels, just how appalling it is that this happened in the first place. If it hadn't been for Mum, I don't think I'd have been able to come back to school. If I stay, at least it's something good for the family. And Larissa needs her big brother to keep an eye on her. I can't let them down.

Third Person:
Jason sat out by the Lake, his feet dangling over the edge and into the water. The gentle ripple of the water between his toes tickled him as he looked over at the castle, kicking his feet gently.

It wasn't often that he coped with being alone, but this was one of those days where he actually took his counsellor's advice and took the time to 'fly solo', and try and make sense of how he was feeling. He didn't feel as though he was anywhere close to sorting his head out yet, but the one advantage of this quiet time was that there was no-one around to see how upset he still got when he thought of his father.

"Dad..." he muttered quietly, looking at his reflection in the dark water. He regarded his own face with a growing sense of fear and confusion, for as his mum said almost constantly, despite resembling her more than her other children, there was just 'something about him' that reminded those who knew him of Ryan Samuels. As much as he missed his father terribly, Jason wasn't ready to meet him again just yet.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Scores

Education Beginning: September 1, 1994
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Gryffindor
Results Published: June 30, 1997


O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable


P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll

Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam.

Course NameScore
Ancient RunesN/A
Care of Magical CreaturesEE
Defense Against the Dark ArtsEE
History of MagicEE
Muggle StudiesN/A

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Scores

Education Beginning: September 1, 1994
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Gryffindor
Results Published: June 30, 1999


O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable


P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll

Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam.

Course NameScore
Ancient RunesN/A
Care of Magical CreaturesN/A
Defense Against the Dark ArtsO
History of MagicN/A
Muggle StudiesN/A

Credit: [info]nimbuschick
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