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Subject:Summers, Alexander
Time:09:59 pm
Current Mood:accomplished
Name: Alexander Martin Summers
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 30th September, 1980
House/Year: Hufflepuff, 1992-1999
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
PB: Justin Hartley - http://asylums.insanejournal.com/blevcons/136397.html

Physical characteristics: Typically for his current profession, Alexander is a physically imposing presence – one of those people who would stand out in a crowd without any effort. He doesn’t have the unfortunate side effect of standing at a grand height of 6’3 tall – his body is lean and well toned through exercise rather than being lanky – and anyone who gets close enough to him to properly look could confirm that he is well built without being unattractively so. Alexander isn’t obsessed enough with his appearance to spend hours in the gym trying to build rock hard muscles – annoyingly, it comes to him naturally.

He inherited his blond haired, blue eyed good looks from his parents and has a light tan, which is natural as opposed to coming out of a potions bottle, thankyou very much. He supposes that hours spent posing on the beach will do that to you. Alexander has a few scars around his shoulderblades and upper arms – more on those later – but as they were not the effects of Dark Magic he can cover them with glamour charms when he goes on assignments.

Distant History: Alexander was born to his pureblooded parents in the well-to-do London suburb of Kensington, although his family have an estate in the Oxfordshire countryside where they spent their summers. As such, he grew up around other pureblooded families of that area and is familiar with the likes of the Kirkes, amongst others.

Alexander is the oldest child of Christopher and Andrea Summers, who, unlike many pureblooded couples, married late and started a family later. They were 30 and 31 respectively when Alexander was born, having inadvertently followed the Muggle tradition of becoming established in one’s career before settling down. Both Christopher and Andrea, whilst not being Anti-Muggle, were not crusaders for Muggle rights either. Alexander himself has a watered down form of their opinions, thinking that persecuting Muggles is ridiculous and gets wizards nowhere, but believing that being too outspoken and obnoxious about it all won’t help either.

He has one younger sibling – a sister, named Angelica, born when Andrea was 35. As such, Mr and Mrs Summers never had any more children and had high aspirations for the ones they did have, but Alexander and Angelica’s very traditional grandparents stepped in to prevent them from being overly cosseted.

Homeschooled until the point of entering Hogwarts, Alexander was sorted into Hufflepuff after a fair amount of deep thought from the Sorting Hat. Unusually, the other House he had been considered for was Slytherin – something he swears on his mother’s life is true, and to the great surprise of his housemates who were reluctant to think such a thing as possible. Today, he shows traits from both houses – his Slytherin cunning and ambition demonstrate themselves in his strong desire to become a Healer, but his day to day, more noticeable traits of loyalty and hard work are all Hufflepuff.

Having been in the school year below the Trio, and thus a contemporary of those such as Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevey, Alexander found himself in the middle of many of the horrifying events that occurred at Hogwarts once Voldemort returned to power. Although his housemates were convinced of Potter’s guilt when people started to become Petrified, Alexander was too level headed to immediately jump to conclusions. However, when the truth outed, he was still horrified that such a thing could happen in what had been thought to be such a safe place. Ironically, it was about this time that he felt the Slytherin side of his nature emerge, using his cunning to look after him and his.

Being a third year at the time of the Yule Ball, he was too young to go on his own, although fourth year girls were starting to notice his good looks and he did receive several invitations. It wasn’t until the last minute that he did decide to go – one of the Beauxbatons girls taking his liking, being a well behaved, refined sort of girl. Alexander was a great admirer of Cedric Diggory, finding him to be a kind, dignified and basically decent sort of bloke, and was definitely pleased when it looked as though the much overlooked Hufflepuff house was going to get some recognition for a change, and it seemed fitting that someone as respected as Diggory would be the one to achieve this feat. Like everyone else, Cedric’s untimely death hit him hard and to this day, he’s not sure he’s truly got over the loss of someone he got on with so well.

He believed, then, that Voldemort had returned. But perhaps unlike some others, he instead chose to keep his head down and worked hard and quietly through the next few years, having learned his lesson from an incident with Dumbledore’s age line around the Goblet of Fire that seeking the limelight only got you into trouble. He didn’t join the DA or the rebellion against Umbridge, as much as he despised her. All Alexander wanted to do was stay out of trouble, and that he did for the most part, attaining nothing below an E grade at OWL level.

Not long after, life just went that little bit crazier. Dumbledore died, and for his sixth year his parents had decided to withdraw him from school and educate him from home. Reluctantly, he agreed, wanting to keep his family safe, but then the decree that all young wizards and witches MUST be educated at Hogwarts. Homeschooling no longer an option, Alexander packed his bags and returned, vowing to do whatever it took to keep Angelica, then going into her second year in Ravenclaw, out of harm’s way.

The trouble was, the new regime didn’t make that easy. Even though he managed to bite his tongue and ignore the hateful nonsense that the Carrows spouted each day, there was no avoiding the Dark Arts classes where they were forced to curse students who earned detention. Alexander wasn’t brave enough to outright refuse like others, something that he is ashamed about and wishes he could have changed. One thing he is eternally grateful for is the fact that his magic failed him the first time he was asked, being able to do no more than make his wand emit a few sparks. It earned him a slap around the face from Amycus Carrow for his incompetence, but Alexander didn’t care. He’d had enough.

His childhood acquaintance, Andrew Kirke, had heard what had happened from one of his fellow DA members and sought him out. It was the first time Alexander had heard about the rebellious group, but when he’d heard about the Room of Requirement and how it was now being used, he finally felt able to do something. That night at dinner, he was seen whispering frantically in his little sister’s ear before returning to the Hufflepuff table. The following morning, both had vanished, helping to keep the Room inaccessible for Carrow supporters by remaining in there all the time, and keeping up their studies under the supervision of older students. When the final battle broke out, it was there he stayed – not through cowardice, but from a firm determination to protect Angelica. He found himself roped into treating the injured, alongside late arrivals such as Penelope Clearwater, and it was from here that his desire to become a Healer developed. For the first time his life, Alexander had a vocation, and he had never felt so alive.

Recent History: Alexander graduated with excellent NEWT grades from Hogwarts, achieving more than enough in the required subjects to enter the Healer training course. Something inside him refused to let him settle, though, and for the past three years he has travelled the world doing something he had always refused to do – trading on his looks. He has actually rather enjoyed modelling, enjoying the sense of freedom it has given him after the rather restrictive nature of his youth under a repressive political regime.

He is coming to the end of this stage of his life and knows it – thus, he has decided to move into the Euterpe’s Corner block of flats. He still sees a lot of his modelling friends – particularly Lars and Boris, who despite being very different from him, are a bloody good laugh. He heard that Parvati Patil, another modelling acquaintance, lives in the building and feels something like that would mean life wouldn’t be too boring when he eventually quits his currently superficial life.

Personality: Alexander is above most other things, a classy and elegant person who carries himself well in most social situations. He is far from the type who would embarrass you at a party if you invited him, and his manners and graciousness towards his hosts are well noted. Despite the high value he places upon etiquette and good behaviour, he does find himself able to cut loose from time to time, although he has the good sense to keep it quiet when he does have a wild night. In general company, he is friendly enough, though not in too nosy or annoyingly cheerful fashion. He enjoys a sensible conversation, although he finds himself easily bored by pretentiousness and will avoid that kind of behaviour where possible.

He refuses to admit that the war had any kind of emotional effect on him – the British upper class ‘stiff upper lip’ being the front he chooses to put on. However, the signs are there for those clever enough to notice them – he completely shuts up at the mention of torture and political injustices, the guilt he felt at being made to use Unforgiveables on fellow students preventing him from speaking further. If at all possible, he will subtly try and change the subject. He also bristles a little indignantly at the suggestion that only those who actively fought in the Battle of Hogwarts were heroes, although that is another argument in which he refuses to participate.

The sort of person who gets on best with Alexander is probably a little difficult to determine, with him being such a difficult sort of person to categorise. The people he spends most time with are a mix of people from modelling circles – people who enjoy a wild party and easy living – and the more sober, tasteful sorts with whom he was encouraged to spend time as a youngster by his parents, who desired an elegant and well behaved child. However, if people of any kind are willing to give him a chance, they will find him an engaging and loyal friend.

The sort of person he will not get on with – and indeed, with whom he will flat out refuse to associate with – are blood purists and Death Eater sympathsers – and not necessarily for the reasons one might think. Obviously, he says, their views are deplorable, as logic dictates that one cannot choose one’s origins, so why persecute them for it? However, he also finds the sense of superiority and entitlement that these people have to be extremely distasteful, inelegant, and ironically, classless. He also hates having to spend the time with people who are dirty and overly scruffy. He says they make him feel equally dirty and uncomfortable, and is it really all that difficult to have a wash?

Alexander is something of a neat freak and hates it when people leave things out of their usual place for too long. This does, however, has its advantage as you will never need to hire a cleaner or do tiresome tidying up when you share a flat with him. He is a dab hand at household spells and not only doesn’t mind fixing the place up – he actively enjoys it! And in fairness to him, if someone has a good reason to not tidy up after themselves, for instance, a sudden call away, or a genuine distraction, he’ll leave you be. Though don’t expect him to leave the flat in that state...ever.

Current Employment Status: Alexander works as a model for the MMA (Magick Modelling Agency). He mainly does a mixture of underwear/swimwear modelling as well as posing for high-fashion magazines, but because of his height is also in demand for catwalk work. When he has amassed more savings – his independence won’t let him take the money from his well-heeled parents – he hopes to begin Healer training at St Mungo’s.

ALEXANDER Martin Summers
FULL NAME -- Alexander Martin Summers
GENDER -- Male
BIRTHDAY/AGE -- 23rd September 1980 // 30
BLOOD STATUS -- Nominally pureblood as both his parents were magical, but considered halfblood by those who care.

APPEARANCE -- Typically for his current profession, Alexander is a physically imposing presence – one of those people who would stand out in a crowd without any effort. He doesn’t have the unfortunate side effect of standing at a grand height of 6’3 tall – his body is lean and well toned through exercise rather than being lanky – and anyone who gets close enough to him to properly look could confirm that he is well built without being unattractively so. Alexander isn’t obsessed enough with his appearance to spend hours in the gym trying to build rock hard muscles – annoyingly, it comes to him naturally.

He inherited his blond haired, blue eyed good looks from his parents and has a light tan, which is natural as opposed to coming out of a potions bottle, thankyou very much. He supposes that hours spent posing on the beach will do that to you. Alexander has a few scars around his shoulderblades and upper arms – more on those later – but as they were not the effects of Dark Magic he can cover them with glamour charms when he feels the need.
PB -- Justin Hartley

WAND -- Mahogany, 13 inches with dragon heartstring core
CURRENT RESIDENCE -- A flat in Vertic Alley
OCCUPATION -- Deputy Head Healer on the third floor, Poisons and Plants ward at St Mungo's
FORMER HOUSE/YEARS -- Hufflepuff, 1992-1999

LAID BACK Those who have met Alex when he's in the company of his wife will have noticed that he is by far the calmer and quieter one in their relationship. Where Savina is quite a demanding personality, he prefers to allow others to just do their thing without interference (within reason, of course).
OBSERVANT He's a Healer, so the fact that Alex just notices things about people is very handy. Whether it's something superficial like a new haircut or serious like how your moods have always been low the day after your boyfriend was late in from the pub, he will have spotted it. Indeed, he often notices things about other people that they haven't noticed about themselves.
RESERVED Alex represents the British stiff upper lip rather well. He's not an overly emotional man in public, though he prefers to see this as showing restraint rather than being clinical.
JUDGMENTAL Alex is kind and cares about people's welfare, of course he does. However, if you come into the hospital with a pumpkin for a head because you were drunk and tried to conjure a snack, then yes, he'll think you're an idiot. And probably tell you so when you came around again. Thank GOD he doesn't work in spell damage...
LOYAL He's a Hufflepuff. It comes with the territory. Having said that, his loyalty generally has to be earned, unless it's his blood family we're talking about - Savina is a perfect example of this, having shown her love for him by refusing to give him up when her grandmother insisted upon it. When you have Alex's loyalty, it's pretty damn hard to lose it unless you do something completely unforgiveable. Judgmental he might be, but he isn't shallow.

LIKES -- Savina, his family, his colleagues, mead, good quality chocolate.
DISLIKES -- His in-laws (apart from Malcolm Snr), stupid people, his colleagues' patients, butterbeer, sugar quills.
GOALS -- Alexander has his eye on the Head Healership of the ward. If only the sod would just retire, already...
WHAT THEY ARE BEST AT -- There is possibly no-one better than Alexander at handling Savina when she is in one of her moods - he can't explain it, it's just something about the dynamic they have between them. He doesn't like to brag, but he's also brilliant at his job. Those noticing skills have helped him diagnose all kinds of weird things.
WHAT THEY ARE WORST AT -- He could do with learning how to be more tolerant of other people's mistakes, that's for damn sure...
YOUR CHARACTER'S MOTTO, OR A QUOTE THAT YOU FEEL REPRESENTS THEM WELL -- "If you're aiming for failure, why bother?"

Alexander is above most other things, a classy and elegant person who carries himself well in most social situations. He is far from the type who would embarrass you at a party if you invited him, and his manners and graciousness towards his hosts are well noted. Despite the high value he places upon etiquette and good behaviour, he does find himself able to cut loose from time to time, although he has the good sense to keep it quiet when he does have a wild night. In general company, he is friendly enough, though not in too nosy or annoyingly cheerful fashion. He enjoys a sensible conversation, although he finds himself easily bored by pretentiousness and will avoid that kind of behaviour where possible.
First House: Libras sorted into House Hufflepuff are some of the sweetest, most charming individuals you will ever meet. They work hard at their studies compared to other Libras (most Libras would rather coast on their strengths than apply themselves to all their subjects) and are often quite successful. Physically, however, they remain unathletic and lazy - the closest they'll ever get to a Quidditch match is the spectator's box, and that only if the weather is pleasant. Anything beautiful and harmonious appeals to the Hufflepuff Libra. Since potions and alchemy require an instinctive awareness of the harmony of ingredients, Hufflepuffs who are Libras display a surprising facility in these subjects. These wizards live to help other people, and to help their friends get along with each other; nothing hurts them more than to see people in distress or bickering with each other. Feuds and wars between wizards distress them. Equally distressing is the disharmony between Muggles and magic users. Many Hufflepuff Libras become Muggle specialists, hoping to bridge the gap between magical and non-magical.

Secondary House: This combination of sun sign and House ought to be nicknamed "The Magical Corps of Diplomats." Slytherins born under this sign are poised, polished, suave, well read, well bred, and excruciatingly polite and correct in everything they do - the perfect gentry of the magical world. Never a bully or a bravo here! No, these Slytherins would say "I despise you and think your are worthless scum" and make it sound like "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." They are discreet, sympathetic, easy to talk to, and know how to put people at ease. This can, of course, be a wonderful asset in espionage (the flip side of diplomacy!) and these Slytherins are more than capable of hiding their true feelings in order to get information or befriend a rival. Because they need to act in partnership with others and hate to be alone, they are rarely decision makers, and must be careful who they seek to befriend, lest they be led astray into the wrong crowd. Slytherin Libras also ought to marry into money if they don't have much of their own, for their love of luxury and culture can make for extremely high maintenance expenses.
Nationality: British (English)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 6'3
Build: Lightly muscled
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Skin: Lightly tanned
MOTHER -- Andrea Summers (née Jones), 61, formerly of Hufflepuff. She recently retired from her post as an inspector at St Mungo's.
FATHER -- Christopher Summers, 60, formerly of Ravenclaw. He works in the Department for International Magical Relations as one of the senior international lawyers.
SIBLINGS? -- Angelica Summers, 26, formerly of Ravenclaw. She eschewed the idea of following her brother or parents into a more traditional form of employment, and is now the manager of the Potions section of Flourish and Blotts.
MARITAL STATUS/SPOUSE? -- Married. His wife of two years is Savina Capper (now Summers), formerly of Slytherin.
CHILDREN? None as of yet.

Homeschooled until the point of entering Hogwarts, Alexander was sorted into Hufflepuff after a fair amount of deep thought from the Sorting Hat. Unusually, the other House he had been considered for was Slytherin – something he swears on his mother’s life is true, and to the great surprise of his housemates who were reluctant to think such a thing as possible. Today, he shows traits from both houses – his Slytherin cunning and ambition demonstrate themselves in his strong desire to become a Healer, but his day to day, more noticeable traits of loyalty and hard work are all Hufflepuff.

Having been in the school year below the Trio, and thus a contemporary of those such as Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevey, Alexander found himself in the middle of many of the horrifying events that occurred at Hogwarts once Voldemort returned to power. Although his housemates were convinced of Potter’s guilt when people started to become Petrified, Alexander was too level headed to immediately jump to conclusions. However, when the truth outed, he was still horrified that such a thing could happen in what had been thought to be such a safe place. Ironically, it was about this time that he felt the Slytherin side of his nature emerge, using his cunning to look after him and his.

Being a third year at the time of the Yule Ball, he was too young to go on his own, although fourth year girls were starting to notice his good looks and he did receive several invitations. It wasn’t until the last minute that he did decide to go – one of the Beauxbatons girls taking his liking, being a well behaved, refined sort of girl. Alexander was a great admirer of Cedric Diggory, finding him to be a kind, dignified and basically decent sort of bloke, and was definitely pleased when it looked as though the much overlooked Hufflepuff house was going to get some recognition for a change, and it seemed fitting that someone as respected as Diggory would be the one to achieve this feat. Like everyone else, Cedric’s untimely death hit him hard and to this day, he’s not sure he’s truly got over the loss of someone he got on with so well.

He believed, then, that Voldemort had returned. But perhaps unlike some others, he instead chose to keep his head down and worked hard and quietly through the next few years, having learned his lesson from an incident with Dumbledore’s age line around the Goblet of Fire that seeking the limelight only got you into trouble. He didn’t join the DA or the rebellion against Umbridge, as much as he despised her. All Alexander wanted to do was stay out of trouble, and that he did for the most part, attaining nothing below an E grade at OWL level.

Not long after, life just went that little bit crazier. Dumbledore died, and for his sixth year his parents had decided to withdraw him from school and educate him from home. Reluctantly, he agreed, wanting to keep his family safe, but then the decree that all young wizards and witches MUST be educated at Hogwarts. Homeschooling no longer an option, Alexander packed his bags and returned, vowing to do whatever it took to keep Angelica, then going into her second year in Ravenclaw, out of harm’s way.

The trouble was, the new regime didn’t make that easy. Even though he managed to bite his tongue and ignore the hateful nonsense that the Carrows spouted each day, there was no avoiding the Dark Arts classes where they were forced to curse students who earned detention. Alexander wasn’t brave enough to outright refuse like others, something that he is ashamed about and wishes he could have changed. One thing he is eternally grateful for is the fact that his magic failed him the first time he was asked, being able to do no more than make his wand emit a few sparks. It earned him a slap around the face from Amycus Carrow for his incompetence, but Alexander didn’t care. He’d had enough.

His childhood acquaintance, ???, had heard what had happened from one of his fellow DA members and sought him out. It was the first time Alexander had heard about the rebellious group, but when he’d heard about the Room of Requirement and how it was now being used, he finally felt able to do something. That night at dinner, he was seen whispering frantically in his little sister’s ear before returning to the Hufflepuff table. The following morning, both had vanished, helping to keep the Room inaccessible for Carrow supporters by remaining in there all the time, and keeping up their studies under the supervision of older students. When the final battle broke out, it was there he stayed – not through cowardice, but from a firm determination to protect Angelica. He found himself roped into treating the injured, alongside late arrivals, and it was from here that his desire to become a Healer developed. For the first time his life, Alexander had a vocation, and he had never felt so alive.

Alexander graduated with excellent NEWT grades from Hogwarts, achieving more than enough in the required subjects to enter the Healer training course. Something inside him refused to let him settle, though, and for three years he travelled the world doing something he had previously always refused to do – trading on his looks. He actually rather enjoyed modelling, enjoying the sense of freedom it gave him after the rather restrictive nature of his youth under a repressive political regime.

At the age of 21, he semi-retired from modelling to begin the Healer training programme, which would last three years. He tied for top of his class with four others, who are now similarly important in their own chosen departments. He would consider them his good friends, although most of his contemporaries are people he gets on well with.

Alexander had been a Healer for a little under two years when he moved into his first proper flat to live on his own, having previously shared with people he had known on his course. It was in this building in late 2006 that he first met Savina Capper, who he hadn't known at school but now worked at the WWN. He found her attractive from the beginning, but waited about six months or so to get to know what she was like before asking her out in early 2007. Unlike some others, who found her slightly acerbic nature unsettling, Alexander found it refreshing to be with a woman who didn't fear her own mind. Unlike the others, he also knew that Savina has a hidden softer side - not that he'd reveal that, of course. Alexander is a gentleman.

It was two years into their relationship that he attended a De Luca family event with his girlfriend. He didn't know exactly what words passed between Savina and her grandmother that night, but when she asked to leave, he took her home without question, seeing her upset. When she told him that her grandmother had given her an ultimatum and that she had chosen him, he was shocked - not by her choice, but by the enormity of the decision she had had to make to be with him. Realising how serious this made their future, Alexander took his time to plan a romantic proposal that his girlfriend would be proud of. He was so happy that she said yes, and smug with himself that his sensible spending habits since leaving school had accrued a rather hefty bank balance on the quiet, that between them they were able to fund the fancy and elegant wedding that Savina longed for. He knew she had made sacrifices for him, they could afford it, why not? Checking in occasionally to see how things were going, he basically left things to her, and was probably the only person not bothered by her slight Bridezilla tendencies.

They have now been married for two years and together for four, and Alexander has been rather pleased with how his life is going. His job is progressing well, they have a nice home, and maybe one day they'll have kids. It hasn't much escaped his notice that they are now the age his own parents were when he was born...
connections and plot

EXISTING CONNECTIONS: Capper, Savina - wife.
Demsky, Azah - yearmate and housemate at Hogwarts.

SOUGHT CONNECTIONS: ??? - childhood acquaintance, the person who told him about the Room of Requirement and thus helped him and Angelica escape the Carrows.
Weasley, Ginny - yearmate at Hogwarts.
Other St Mungo's staff, former modelling colleagues, press staff who will know who he is, other Hogwarts associates.

PLOT: Married life, trying to get that promotion he is after...


First person journal entries

Third person log - Alexander and Savina
coding by looseapbs via rp_tutorials

Ordinary Wizarding Level Scores

Education Beginning: September 1, 1992
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Hufflepuff
Results Published: June 30, 1997


O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable


P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll

Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam.

Course NameScore
Ancient RunesN/A
Care of Magical CreaturesEE
Defense Against the Dark ArtsEE
History of MagicEE
Muggle StudiesN/A

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Scores

Education Beginning: September 1, 1992
Name: Alexander M. Summers
House: Hufflepuff
Results Published: June 30, 1999


O- Outstanding
E- Excellent
A- Acceptable


P- Poor
D- Dreaful
T- Troll

Note to Families: These examinations are taken by an official board appointed by the British Ministry's Board of School Governors. These witches and wizards are experts in their fields. Student relationships with their professors or records in the respective classes in no way effect outcomes of this exam.

Course NameScore
Ancient RunesN/A
Care of Magical CreaturesN/A
Defense Against the Dark ArtsO
History of MagicN/A
Muggle StudiesN/A

Credit: [info]nimbuschick
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