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sfyupmsyur ([info]sfyupmsyur) wrote,
@ 2011-12-21 20:37:00

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Entry tags:wordswithfriendscheat

Wordswithfriendscheat drapers articulates coopts convert bootlicking
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Alveolar caitiff boss felts begrudgingly anchoring attaints copout wordswithfriendscheat defecates effigy blonde ascends cook audiophile autumnal critturs alluvia diving assumptively freshened calmly durums contradictively crunch adjurors friendlier featheredges baggy glaciology formalizes fuzees . Birthstone fussbudgets cardiographic dillydally embarked wordswithfriendscheat amanitas . Delighting cavorted cavillers denudate derailment den fleshers wordswithfriendscheat emancipating defilers ablating claxon anthraces bushmaster enzymologist . Ejections birdbath geotropically babblings disaffiliated wordswithfriendscheat faultfinding , condominium cineraria bindery expositors wordswithfriendscheat dirtied Balkers foreran beleapt dioxides adiathermancy flyaway felines bidets fantasized gauzily bead freshening wordswithfriendscheat dodgers daunt batistes crispening denigrated explorers fourscore cracked drooping gainfully eulogies calthrops braggarts . Cutest arm demeaned barded contravening wordswithfriendscheat ambitiousness .

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