Sure Fire Winners' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Sure Fire Winners

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Atom : [22 May 2012|06:19pm]
So Dayton tells me that he has a surprise for me on Thursday and that I am going to be very happy about it. Now I enjoy surprises but I think I have this one figured out and if it is what I think it is, Dayton is going to be one happy, satisfied, laid man, come Friday morning.
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Dayton : [22 May 2012|06:21pm]
It's like a whole new me. A new start. I'm good to go. I am Dayton T. Finkle and I can take on the world.
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Jamie : [22 May 2012|06:23pm]
I am on my knees thanking the baby jesus that AbiRem is alive. I almost lost one of my best friends. I am glad I can say almost and not it happened.

Mama Glitz
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[ viewing | May 22nd, 2012 ]
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