Sure Fire Winners' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Sure Fire Winners

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Atom : [07 Nov 2011|08:24pm]
[ mood | numb ]

Friday night, Dayton moved out. He's got a place further uptown. I do not know where it is. I do not want to know where it is.

Jamie has offered to move herself, DonA and Princess over to DonA's old place and that leaves me here at the apartment all alone.

I didn't want it to have to come to this, but it did. I know things will get better down the road but this had to happen or things would have gotten worse. I don't know if I am going stay here or if I am going back home, to Babylon. I just don't know yet.

The apartment just reminds me of Dayton so much and I really just want to forget about him for a while.

Right now I am just going to bed because the thought of being awake right now is making my nauseous.

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Dayton : [07 Nov 2011|08:31pm]
[ mood | drunk ]

atoiimn im SOO s9tuhtyy. iM sotry. gorgibme?????////>?

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Jamie : [07 Nov 2011|08:40pm]
I keep my fingers crossed for my favorite boys. I wish nothing but the best. I'll be here for you. Both. You know where to find me.

[sent via SmartPhone]
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[ viewing | November 7th, 2011 ]
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