Mary Jane's Last Dance

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2/19/08 10:25 pm

I should upload pictures from the fair. I'm feeling lazy though, so all I've been doing is playing Harvest Moon for gamecube (on my wii!)

Harvest Moon totally chills me out. <3

1/29/08 02:53 am - This makes my Guitar Hero "skills" look like crap.

Holy crap. How do they DO IT? I play on Medium and I think it's hard at times, I can barely five-star anything :(

This right here is fucking amazing. I think it defies certain laws of physics.

Oh, my.

Well, there goes the excuse of having stubby short fingers. Some 9-year old kid playing that long-ass Dragonforce song on expert!

Can this kid be a presidential candidate? I think he can protect the country better than most of the morons running.

I'll never be able to do that. Still, Guitar Hero is addictive as hell. I can't put it down, haha.

10/13/07 07:28 pm

Pushy salespeople in the mall,
You are a main reason why I prefer to shop online. You aren't attracting me to your wares by being a pushy asshole. Learn to take a hint, and go fuck yourselves.

Advertising your sales goals on the intercom is totally unclassy and crass. I guess I can see what your priority is.

New Orleans Saints,
Please win tomorrow. Please. Pretty please? I know you're a scrappy lil' team and have always been, but you haven't had a start this bad in years. Get it together. Please ditch Olindo Mare, he can't kick. Bench Drew Brees if you have to. C'mon, the Bears benched Rex Grossman and look how much better they're doing without him!

Victoria's Secret at Westshore Mall,
Oh, so you remodeled your store! And looks more like a strip club than it did previously. Neon signs and everything! Maybe if you got some pole dancers from Mons Venus (come on they're down the street, take advantage of it) and added a bar, then maybe I'd come in. Maybe. Those strippers might even be better salespeople than the uppity turds that Victoria's Secret currently hires.

USF Bulls,
You're awesome. Keep up the good work.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess,
Stop being so addictive.

Stop feeling like I'm back in the tenth grade. WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M IN HIGH SCHOOL AGAIN.

Also, I get my wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday and I'm ridiculously nervous about it. :(

7/17/07 02:36 pm

Oh boy, they just released Paper Mario 64 for the Virtual Console. <3 <3

Be still, my heart.

7/15/07 09:38 pm

The internet just isn't as cool as it used to be. I think Wii has filled that void.

Also, I'll have a SUPER DUPER vacation update soon. :) [A/N 2/1/08: No, I never did. I got lazy.]

6/25/07 01:12 am

Guess who got a Wii. Guess!

Was it worth it sitting three-and-a-half hours outside of Best Buy this morning? FUCK YES. Hey, as obese American as this sounds, having a McDonald's next door made it a bit more bearable. Hotcakes and orange juice, hell yeah.

And of course, I was bragging to my coworkers all day. Half of 'em looked at me like they were stuck in the nineties or something. Haha, Wii, what is that.

6/5/07 01:48 am

I want a Wii.

Trouble is, I can't find one. Our Wii search came up cold this weekend. We got stuff though; gamecube controller (for virtual console and gamecube games), classic controller, and Zelda. But no Wii.

Circuit City even had the gall to keep out the display box but not have any in stock. >:(

We hear from our friends in family up in Virginia- finding Wiis up there is easy. But not down here.

What I am looking forward to is getting a new fancy-pants camera before I go on vacation. :)

Vacation's in a month. I am so looking forward to it. I have never done a road trip that long before. We're flying up to Virginia, and then we're driving to upstate New York from there. We'll be in New York for about a week, and then I come back to Virginia for about five days. It is a MUCH NEEDED VACATION.

Also, I got a awesome new haircut. Pictures will be accompanying this later (I'm too lazy to get them off my camera now). I got about four or five inches cut off my hair (it's about a half-inch longer than shoulder length), got my bangs back, and got my hair layered. It looks fantastic, I love my stylist. <3
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