Mary Jane's Last Dance

Recent Entries

7/2/07 12:19 am

So I'm going on vacation. I'll be gone for about two weeks, so if you haven't heard from me, I'm just relaxin'.

(and I'm eating at the Mekong and you're not)

6/5/07 01:48 am

I want a Wii.

Trouble is, I can't find one. Our Wii search came up cold this weekend. We got stuff though; gamecube controller (for virtual console and gamecube games), classic controller, and Zelda. But no Wii.

Circuit City even had the gall to keep out the display box but not have any in stock. >:(

We hear from our friends in family up in Virginia- finding Wiis up there is easy. But not down here.

What I am looking forward to is getting a new fancy-pants camera before I go on vacation. :)

Vacation's in a month. I am so looking forward to it. I have never done a road trip that long before. We're flying up to Virginia, and then we're driving to upstate New York from there. We'll be in New York for about a week, and then I come back to Virginia for about five days. It is a MUCH NEEDED VACATION.

Also, I got a awesome new haircut. Pictures will be accompanying this later (I'm too lazy to get them off my camera now). I got about four or five inches cut off my hair (it's about a half-inch longer than shoulder length), got my bangs back, and got my hair layered. It looks fantastic, I love my stylist. <3
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