Mary Jane's Last Dance

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7/1/08 05:53 pm

So I moved into my new house yesterday. That's the last time I have to put up with annoying gay guys next door playing awful showtunes and being whiners, thugs waking my ass up at five in the morning fighting, and seeing the police outside my building every week.

It feels good. Course, there's a ton of boxes laying around, and our brand spanking new tv (42" HD LCD!) doesn't have a stand yet. But it's all good. The cat's still freaking out though. She's being all bipolar. One minute, she's extremely affectionate. The next, she swipes at you for petting her. She's usually mellow and laid-back, it's weird. And she hasn't used the litter yet.

Going to go see Dethklok after Chris gets home. Hurray!

3/8/08 07:09 pm

Today Chris and I drove by the house we were looking at on listingbook that we were amazed by.

In person, it was less than spectacular. Isn't that how it always is? Also, I wasn't too fond of the neighborhood. Kind of white-trash, rednecky, run-down. People don't take good care of their houses there. I could feasibly see toilets with flowers growing in them and beat-up, non-functional cars on cinderblocks in the front yard. :(

So that was a bust, but there are plenty of houses to look at here, so all hope is not lost! This is just the beginning! :D

Also, today we rented out a storage space near our house that is brand-new. We pretty much got dibs on the best location of storage rooms. We moved out some of our junk today and we're going to drop off more tomorrow.

Yay! Now we can actually get into our closet again!

I think Shadow (our cat) is kind of unnerved by us packing up some of our crap. She was an abandoned cat after all, so maybe it's triggering bad memories or something along those lines.
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