12/30/08 04:52 pm
Welp, happy new year to you all! I'm currently in preparation for a chillax New Years' Eve at a friend's house -- lots of drinking, good flicks, good times and delicious food (made by all of us!) ahoy! I'm bringing pico de gallo for chips :D
I'm stoked at one bargain I got during those after-Christmas sales -- I got a hot pink silk dress at Express that was originally $168 for $12. The planets really aligned for that one. :)
Today's my hubby's birthday so we're going out to PF Chang's later. Nom nom nom.
I'm stoked at one bargain I got during those after-Christmas sales -- I got a hot pink silk dress at Express that was originally $168 for $12. The planets really aligned for that one. :)
Today's my hubby's birthday so we're going out to PF Chang's later. Nom nom nom.