Mary Jane's Last Dance

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8/25/08 02:36 pm

I would like to pour a 40 in honor of "At The Movies with Ebert and Roeper". Disney didn't like you. You will be sorely missed. :(

And for those of you who saw the Venture Bros. season finale last night, there's another thing I'd like to give some respect to. Here's the shirt, I might get it.

3/1/08 05:00 pm - I swear, I want 'em to play that song on the pipes at my funeral when I die.

Today I looked like a high-powered attorney or a super-classy, super-sexy dangerous FBI agent in my suit today. I wish there were more occasions to wear suits, granted, under much better circumstances.

Today I, Chris, and most of his co-workers at Tampa Bay's 10 went to Fletch's funeral. I'm the biggest sissy at funerals, especially those of an untimely death such as Fletch's. It was hard to hold it together at the end, when they showed the short tribute video that the station put together. Needless to say the tissues in our pockets got put to use. :(

By a lonely harbor wall
She watched the last star falling
As that prison ship sailed out against the sky.
Sure she'll hope and wait and pray
For her love in Botany Bay
It's so lonely 'round the fields of Athenry.

2/26/08 10:30 pm

Today is proof to treasure your life, because you never know when you're going to go.

I only met him a couple of times (my fiance works there in the news) and he was a pretty neat, enthusiastic guy. He was too young to buy the farm. Chris said there were boxes of tissues all around the newsroom today. :(

The last funeral attended was about five years ago, when my cousin died as a result of a car wreck. This just seems so surreal. This whole year kinda seems surreal. Bizarro 2008? You make the call.
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