Current mood: | nerdy |
The Museum of Failure is open to the public for all to see its wonders, for they never cease.
I've decided that I am now a historian of failure.
Let's make it a title.
sexandpolitics, Historian of Failure.
Going in-depth into the history of the Titanic was my first foray into historical fail, in 1998. Then I dived into the history of Yugoslavia and the Balkan Peninsula a year later. Nowadays, I've taken an interest in decaying cities, dead malls and the intricacies of why things become as fucked-up as they do. The set-up for failure, so to speak.
Dunno why failure has always been interesting to me. Maybe it's to make sure we don't repeat it. Maybe I just like knowing the whys and hows of why something so great could fall so far.
Since I don't use this journal all that much (it often gets overlooked in favor of facebook), I might as well put it to good use! I'm going to start writing miniature essays on examples of modern (post-'60s) failure, if only for my own amusement.
The first one will be about the colossal botch of downtown St. Petersburg's "premier" shopping center that's now in foreclosure, Baywalk.
The second one will be about the forgotten Pinellas Square Mall in Pinellas Park, FL.
Eventually I'll get around to Dubai, which is currently setting itself up for a humongous bust.
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