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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2009-01-07 04:36:00

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Current mood: uncomfortable
Entry tags:creepy, mall

Horror movies don't scare me. This does.
THIS. This was a mall in one of Chicago's many blighted suburbs that the infamous chase scene for The Blues Brothers was filmed in. Wasn't that wild? (And if you haven't seen it, shame on you. Go to Blockbuster or rent it on Netflix or something). The mall recently shuttered its doors when the production company for the movie leased it in 1979.

It's 2009, and it's still rotting there, 30 years later. Dixie never knew hair metal, it did not know that Ronald Reagan was to be the succeeding president, it never witnessed the horrors of the Challenger explosion (or the Columbia, for that matter). Chernobyl was just a funny-sounding thing to it. It did not know who Madonna was. It didn't even know who Van Halen was. "It's the economy, stupid" helped this place not one bit -- that happened 13 years later.

I can't believe that a city would allow something large like this to decay for 25-30 years. It's incredible, really. Take a look at the pictures in the first link, taken by brave, brave urbexers. They're creepy as fuck. Very Silent Hill-esque. (Silent Hill 3. It was the scariest.)

I need to go look at pictures of kittens and puppies before I go to sleep.

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2009-01-07 08:41 pm UTC (link)
That makes me sad. ;____;

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2009-01-08 04:22 am UTC (link)
If it had a song to describe it, it would easily be Radiohead's "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" which my husband and I have concluded to be the most bleak, depressing song of all time, as well as chilling and somewhat frightening.

I made the mistake of looking at these things at night. I couldn't sleep, even though I was playing Katamari Damacy music when I was looking at them (and looked at kittens afterward). It's just something that kinda stays with you.

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2009-01-08 04:32 am UTC (link)
Awwww. *hugs and pets* I believe it.

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