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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-12-13 13:34:00

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Current mood: nerdy
Current music:"Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" -- Queen
Entry tags:batman, movies, philosophy, writing

I rewatched The Dark Knight last night, and I have to say, while I loved Iron Man, The Dark Knight blows it out of the water. I was heavily buzzing (borderline drunk) while watching it last night, and all this philosophical stuff started bubbling to the surface of my brain, and right there and then I had the genius idea to write an essay about that movie and thought processes of humanity.

Thesis: One of the exchanges between Batman and Two-Face:
Batman: "He wanted to prove that even someone as good as you could fall."
Two-Face: "And he was right."

The psychology nerd in me has got a raging boner. Yes, I know that sounds dirty in more than one way, but seriously XD

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2009-11-08 01:03 am UTC (link)
a2enFF lrfbyyanvisd (http://lrfbyyanvisd.com/), [url=http://lfmezwknvikn.com/]lfmezwknvikn[/url], [link=http://suourjxjgohn.com/]suourjxjgohn[/link], http://stxiuxjkksng.com/

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