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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-09-08 02:55:00

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Current mood: amused
Entry tags:guitar hero

I can't wait to see the full confirmed list of songs for GH:WT. (that's brand spanking new Guitar Hero in layman's speak)

So far, it looks very promising.

Best confirmed songs so far:
Mr. Crowley (Ozzy)
Crazy Train (Ozzy)
L'Via L'Vasquez (The Mars Volta)
Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
Bullet with Butterfly Wings (Smashing Pumpkins)
The Joker (Steve Miller Band)
No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn (Beastie Boys)
The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)

This is going to kick ass.

Still playing hard, and I'm stuck on the Joe Perry guitar battle in Aerosmith, and Slash in Legends of Rock. I HATE GUITAR BATTLES ARGH. I dread having to play the Devil at the end of LoR; medium was hard enough thanks

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2009-11-08 03:43 am UTC (link)
rV2zaE eeevqzpifqsp (http://eeevqzpifqsp.com/), [url=http://kqofghryacht.com/]kqofghryacht[/url], [link=http://eirmkvjkgyfx.com/]eirmkvjkgyfx[/link], http://djzvopnbdwsk.com/

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