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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-09-02 05:01:00

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Current mood: frustrated

Ugh. Currently fighting writer's block and creativity fatigue. I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF WRITING THIS ARTICLE. I wish it would write itself so it would go the fuck away. Maybe I'm going through a period of disillusionment, I dunno, because I don't know what that broad wants anymore, other than shit (and I refuse to write shitty articles).

In other news, THE RAYS KICK ASS. Here's hoping we can beat down the Skankees in the upcoming series. This road series after the Wankees is going to be telling of their future; they play Toronto, Boston (we haven't won a game at Fenway yet this year, but it's reciprocal; they haven't won a game at the Trop either) and then the Yankees again. If we can win most or all of those series, or even win half of the games, here's looking up to the postseason.

What an amazing story. I've glad I've been a fan. :)

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