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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-25 14:36:00

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Current mood:indescribable
Entry tags:death

I would like to pour a 40 in honor of "At The Movies with Ebert and Roeper". Disney didn't like you. You will be sorely missed. :(

And for those of you who saw the Venture Bros. season finale last night, there's another thing I'd like to give some respect to. Here's the shirt, I might get it.

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2008-08-26 02:54 am UTC (link)
What happened? Did Disney ax their show?

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2008-08-26 06:59 am UTC (link)
Kind of. Disney proposed a series of changes, which Ebert (still incapacitated and not appearing on the show, but technically holds the rights) nor Roeper agreed with. Ebert pulled his thumbs trademark a couple of months ago in response to that, and Roeper quit. His last day was sometime last week, I think.

Disney/ABC is supposed to be launching a new movies review show in a month or so with two totally new guys in a totally new format. Roeper said he'll be doing something, but what that "something" is, we don't know yet.

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2008-08-26 07:00 am UTC (link)
Damn. Kind of messed up, really. It seems like at least Ebert has been doing this forever. >

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