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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-18 03:56:00

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Current mood: nerdy
Entry tags:hurricane

Hurray hurricane season! Tropical Storm Fay is heading towards where I am, in coastal central Florida. I've gone through this before, but not in Florida -- I weathered Hurricane Isabel in Virginia in '03, and the flooding with Gaston a year later (why those bastards didn't retire the name is beyond me, it left plenty of damage).

I got bored tonight and wondered, what was the largest and/or most powerful tropical cyclone on record? Hint: It's not Katrina or Wilma (though Wilma's officially #2)

It's Super Typhoon Tip, with 190 MPH winds. Think about that thing hitting the mainland. In fact, if theoretically, we placed it in the Atlantic and had it heading towards the mainland, it would have made an impact long before it made landfall -- it was more than a third of the size of the continental U.S.

All right. Enough nerd talk for now. :P

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2008-08-18 07:57 pm UTC (link)
Oh, so did I. I used to watch the weather channel for hours on end. I was fascinated with the punch that Mother Nature could put out, with freak hurricanes and huge tornadoes. I used to watch all of those tornado hunter shows they did. XD

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2008-08-18 07:59 pm UTC (link)
Oh me too! I dont feel like such a freak now! XD HAHA! I used to fight with my brother James over the TV(We had the biiiig satellite back in the day). I wanted my damn weather channel! XD

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2008-08-18 08:19 pm UTC (link)
I remember those ginormous satellite dishes! They were so big you could probably sleep in one. When I visited my uncle's house in Tappahannock, a bunch of the neighbors had 'em. When I was young, I wanted to take a siesta in one. XD

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2008-08-18 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Lightning destroyed ours. Struck it right on the nose one night....scared the living crap out of me! I should scan pics of the damage. The surge through our house was incredible. Burn marks on the walls and carpet where it fried a stereo and destroyed a VCR and TV....oi...x.x;

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