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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-14 03:18:00

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Current mood: anxious
Entry tags:hurray florida

It's about time we got efficient public transportation around here. I can't afford to drive. I'd basically be paying out the wazoo to go to work, and have next to nothing left over. Gas is through the roof. Insurance is ridiculously gouged (ESPECIALLY in the state of Florida). Car payments are expensive.

I'd like to live in a large city with a great public transportation system, like Washington DC. Here, it's nothing but urban sprawl, waste and the roads are packed full of senile old people who should have had their licenses expire ten years prior, dumb bimbos who text while driving (TAMPA, I'M TALKING TO YOU ASSHOLES), and lots of drunks. Yee-freaking-haw.

Someone get us light rail plz, Norfolk, a medium-sized city in Virginia, is getting light rail and one of the twenty largest metropolitan areas in the country is still living in the freaking stone age. We might as well wear strips of fur as togas, carry clubs and grunt. Uuuurgaurga.

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2008-08-14 10:24 am UTC (link)
I'm in Georgia and I agree. My town is in severe need of good public transportation! D:

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