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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-12 15:33:00

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Current mood: optimistic
Current music:"Runnin' Down a Dream" - Tom Petty

Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads.

I think our nation has now become a nation of overly-sensitive butthurt pussies. For godsake, in the movie they're talking about a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. IN A MOVIE. This "controversy" (lol) makes me want to go see it even more now. Thanks, LOLlywood!

Also, two of the best Rays players are now on the DL. Carl Crawford's got a hamstring injury that could possibly be season-ending, Evan Longoria, our star rookie third baseman (and our home run leader) is out with a broken wrist and will be out two to three weeks. I hope that the team can hold down the fort while they're gone, and hopefully can hold on to our AL East lead! I think we can do it; our backup players are extremely capable of playing multiple positions as well as swing ing the bat, especially Zobrist, who's in for an injured Bartlett (shortstop). I believe!

I also sent an email to one of the people at the St. Pete Times about employment opportunities. The worst they can say is no, right? I'm not getting my hopes up at all, but if it pans out that would be awesome.

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