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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-11 01:50:00

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Current mood: tired

I've shirked what little responsibility I have in favor of beating "Walk This Way" on Guitar Hero: Aerosmith on Hard.

Not working. I can beat all of the songs on the tier AFTER that one, though. >:(

So, I guess it's back to writing that goddamn review. I don't like to release anything unless it's perfect, but I've come to the conclusion that even if I churned out what I think is shit (because I'm my worst critic, after all) that it would still look like gold compared to, like, everything else on the site. I'm not saying this because I'm arrogant or because I may be bloviating, it's because I'm being completely honest.

Gordon Ramsay might walk in and declare everyone donkeys and that it's a "disaster zone" or a "nightmare". Speaking of Ramsay and his nightmares, I think that show comes on in about a month or so. :D

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