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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-08 00:46:00

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Current mood: okay

Should that shirt say "Fuck the Bucs"?
My nerves are completely shot. I have to talk to someone new about something important (like getting a full-time job) and my nerves go phhhhhhhbbbbbt.

In better news, the Saints won their first preseason game, 24-10. The Cardinals couldn't break their defense. Now THAT's what I like to see! Not to mention that Meacham ran for nearly 40 yards to make the last touchdown. He rules. :D

The commentators on that game did make a valid point: with Favre gone from the Packers, the NFC got a LOT easier. Assuming we don't do retarded things like we did last year (a failed double-reverse play with three minutes on the clock and leading anyone?), we should take the NFC South and go on to the playoffs. Hopefully. Fingers crossed, people.

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