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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-06 19:08:00

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I split my pinky nail below the quick. That's not cool. I've got to go to Sally's later and buy a repair kit for it. >:(

Been on a Guns n' Roses kick. Slash rules. Whenever I play Guitar Hero, I imagine wearing Slash's top hot and having a cigarette dangling out of my mouth. I came pretty close to doing that on New Years; I wore one of those "HAPPY NEW YEAR'S" party top hats while playing Guitar Hero. I was also pretty trashed. XD

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is also pretty kickass. I got that last week. I will say this -- if you have a HDTV like me, that thing is a BITCH to calibrate. It took forever to get a setting that works, and even then I keep tweaking it.

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2008-08-07 03:46 am UTC (link)
I always keep my nails short... I hate it when they break in a painful manner.

Omfg Carmen Sandiego... I FOUND HER?

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