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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-08-03 13:22:00

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Completely random writing.
"Oink, oink" snarled the pig. She blew air out of her snout in disdain. Piggy stuck her face in the trough and pushed its watery shit into her gullet. She licked the sides of her mouth and put her face back in the bin for more. The good fodder was left for the other animals; the horses, the cows, the chickens. Little miss piggy wanted none of it. She craved the smell of defecation and the subpar feed that the other livestock turned their noses up at. Piggy stuck her butt in the air, proudly displaying her prominent curly tail in the direction of the horses.


One of the horses, a mare with a golden coat, softly whinnied.

"Look at how self-centered and stupid that fat ass is."

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