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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-07-01 17:53:00

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Entry tags:concerts, dethklok, house, shadow

So I moved into my new house yesterday. That's the last time I have to put up with annoying gay guys next door playing awful showtunes and being whiners, thugs waking my ass up at five in the morning fighting, and seeing the police outside my building every week.

It feels good. Course, there's a ton of boxes laying around, and our brand spanking new tv (42" HD LCD!) doesn't have a stand yet. But it's all good. The cat's still freaking out though. She's being all bipolar. One minute, she's extremely affectionate. The next, she swipes at you for petting her. She's usually mellow and laid-back, it's weird. And she hasn't used the litter yet.

Going to go see Dethklok after Chris gets home. Hurray!

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2008-07-02 06:58 am UTC (link)
Yay. I'm glad you got out of that place. ><;

I think maybe your cat is freaked out by the move. I think once she gets time to adjust, she'll be alright.

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