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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-05-14 00:07:00

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So, it's two days until the big day, omg. :O
I borrowed my little sister's computer to write this because going without a computer for several days is kind of weird.

Anyways, what has taken place in the galaxy far far away (Virginia) so far?

I've been hanging out with my best friend (and maid of honor) Brittany and we've played a lot of Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

She and her mom also threw my bridal shower and it was great. Brittany's mom is an excellent cook. Shrimp pasta in vodka sauce? Delish! We also played a couple of cute little games like bingo and word scramble and we had cake and champagne.

Today we got lunch at India K'Raja (awesome Indian food) and hung out at the mall and I got stuff. Mostly stuff for the wedding, like foundation (sunscreen-free, so my face won't reflect white in flash photography), lipstick, perfume (L de Lolita Lempicka) and undies, haha. The manager at Sephora said I was the most excited bride she had seen in a long time :3

Mom and I also went to Crate and Barrel and Bed Bath and Beyond and we got stuff off the registry.

Yesterday, my friend Jamie, her boyfriend Daniel and I went to Osaka in Short Pump and got lunch. Their bento box lunch is ginormous! It comes with the main dish, a soup, salad, tempura veggies and shrimp, rice, AND four California rolls -- all for $8-something.

I've hung out with my little sister a lot, too. That's pretty much it, really.

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