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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-04-07 20:11:00

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Entry tags:rants, things that blow, youtube

Things That Blow, #1

Things That Blow, #1


I really didn't need to see the source material for this. Really.

Youtube. Goddamnit I hate Youtube.

Youtube: America's Funniest Home Videos for the Age of the Dumbass. C'mon guys, was America's Funniest Home Videos ever funny? Did you groan every time someone on AFHV fell off a bike or got hit in the balls by some five-year-old? Every time they showed someone's cat or dog dancing or doing something else stupid? Wedding bloopers? Got 'em. "Accidental" nudity that was clearly staged? Yeah, we got that too. America's Funniest Home Videos did it first, and it's still just as unfunny.

Teenagers also do stupid things in the name of becoming famous on Youtube. In this example, a bunch of girls from Lakeland (this place will be in a later Things That Blow) beat the shit out of another girl, who was reportedly defenseless. We are quickly becoming a vicious, clueless, brainless nation. Our lives have become watching and doing stupid shit in the name of fifteen seconds of fame (or shame, depending on how you look at it).

This isn't a SAVE OUR CHILDREN AND THE INTERNETS IS EVIL rant. It's a "Let's Not Lose America To Idiocy" argument. I think the collective IQ of America dropped ten or twenty points since Youtube came into existence. It would be nice if just movie, tv, or actual funny clips were on there. I just don't want to see you beat up some kids, you kicking anyone in the nads, or you dress up in some goofy looking costume trying to make us laugh forcibly again. It's old, it's formulaic, and it's downright idiotic.

C'mon, you guys might just make this movie just might become true. I only want to watch Idiocracy on my TV, I don't want to see it happen around me.

"Ah, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded."

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