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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2008-03-06 14:58:00

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Wow, I haven't felt this alive in a long time.

The Fully Sunny Playlist (not in order quite yet)

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life - Monty Python
You Can Do It - No Doubt
Hella Good - No Doubt
Wild Sex (In The Working Class) - Oingo Boingo
Kick Some Ass - Stroke 9
America, Fuck Yeah - Team America
Runnin' Down A Dream - Tom Petty
Top Of The World - Van Halen
Panama - Van Halen
No Sleep Til' Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
Mony Mony - Billy Idol
Closer To Free - The BoDeans
Dance Commander - Electric Six
Jukebox Hero - Foreigner
Out On The Tiles - Led Zeppelin
U Can't Touch This - MC Hammer

I might add more later.

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