Mary Jane's Last Dance

January 16th, 2009

01:49 pm

Perks from the last couple of days --

Yesterday: I had a lady compliment me, saying I looked just like one of the models from fashion magazines, and that she loved my delicate Southern accent :)

Day before yesterday: It was around closing time, and it was time for me to start hustling people out of the store. There was a lady with her husband, and they needed help with cough medicine. Instead, we all started chit-chatting. The lady said that when she was reincarnated, she would be young and beautiful like me. I told her she was already good-looking. The husband asked me to guess her age. I guessed in the low-to-mid thirties. Turns out she was 47. Shit, when I'm 47, I want to look like that.

This is posted to remind myself that not all people are shitheels.
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