Mary Jane's Last Dance

August 25th, 2008

01:23 am - Bullshit calls, brought to you by Budweiser.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have at least an explanation as to why my article was changed into a pile o' Frankensteined crap. The whole ordeal has kind of put me off on writing another review until I can be certain that it won't happen again without my consent or knowledge beforehand.

It kind of makes me want to branch out and start my own local entertainment blog. That way, I could have full editorial control and make sure that all content are quality pieces. Who knows? If I learn enough coding and manage to turn it into a social networking site as well, it could mean BIG BUCKS AND NO WHAMMIES. (idea's mine, but if anybody wants in...)

In other news, today the Rays got gypped out of a win against the White Sox because of a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE call by the umps in the bottom of the tenth inning. Basically, they rewarded cheating. It was a bullshit call, and the announcers on the network I was watching were appalled; they said it was one of the worst decisions they have heard of in the last thirty years.

How come everything good in the world has to be marred by cheaters?


INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

50/50 split between intuition and sensing. Last time it was 51/49. Hrm. Maybe I'm... both? ROFL.
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02:36 pm

I would like to pour a 40 in honor of "At The Movies with Ebert and Roeper". Disney didn't like you. You will be sorely missed. :(

And for those of you who saw the Venture Bros. season finale last night, there's another thing I'd like to give some respect to. Here's the shirt, I might get it.
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