Mary Jane's Last Dance

August 22nd, 2008

04:46 am

Have any of you guys tried this thingie before? Hah, I can't get enough of it. If you're one that likes to keep catalogue of everything (I am), it may be for you. I keep adding stuff to the dining section of it.

Sometimes I wish I was back in the central VA/northern VA/DC area again. The job market for people in my field is as dry as an old whore's vajayjay. Up in that area, it's like a boom. Gurf. I might be stuck doing retail again for a while :(

That storm didn't do squat here. SQUAT. It didn't even rain. We just had some cloud cover. And yet the media market here went bonkers. Ooooh, clouds, scaryyyyy. Better call Winnie-The-Pooh, it's a slightly blustery day. We were probably the only area in Florida that didn't get affected by the storm, and yet the media went bonkers, especially the local newspaper. I don't understand why they all have such a hard-on for a hurricane to hit the Bay area. Phhhhbt. Sometimes I wish that once we pack up and move elsewhere (assuming we do), that afterwards a big ol' hurricane would come and hit the Bay area directly so they can all shut up about it. Tampa's got nothing cool to lose, anyway.

06:25 pm - EPIC FUCKING FAIL #14: Metromix

I am SO FUCKING PISSED right about now. So fucking pissed. My pissed-o-meter is OFF THE FLIPPIN' CHARTS.

Know how I've been posting about having problems with getting my reviews posted? Well, after two weeks, one of them finally did get posted. It looked completely fine last night. I even showed one of my old buddies (whom I haven't spoken to in a while) the article. He said it was one of the most entertaining and overall best reviews he has ever read.

Today, I take another look at the review. THE WHOLE FUCKING THING HAD BEEN CHANGED. It isn't even my article anymore. It looks like a horrible Frankenstein of my article and something that looks like it had been written by someone in junior high. I AM FUCKING FURIOUS. Not only did they change it, but they FAILED ON ALL COUNTS to consult me before these changes were made!

Once again, I'm left in the fucking dark. Not only that, but I've been used. The wool has been pulled over my eyes yet again. Nothing pisses me off more than my hard work being invalidated. I busted ass for hours on that article to make sure everything flowed perfectly. All that FOR NOTHING. All my hard work for NADA. I don't even want my name associated with that article anymore.

And this is one of many reasons why I rarely trust a soul.

I have arrived and this time you should believe the hype. I listened to everyone now I know that everyone was right. I'll be there for you as long as it works for me. I play a game, it's called insincerity. -- Nine Inch Nails, "Starfuckers, Inc."
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