Mary Jane's Last Dance

March 31st, 2008

06:49 pm

I found out today through sources that my ex-boyfriend's girlfriend is now pregnant.

I only have one word to say to all of this: LAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Oh, I'm sorry. Was that not loud enough for you? Here I go again: LAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLoh god my ribs hurt from laughing so hard at yall's stupidity

Protip #1: Even if you think you're sterile, continue to use protection. Every time. If not, you might get an oops!

Kids cost at least $10,000 a year. ALONE. Yeah. Just on kid expenses. It is estimated that the average family with a kid born in 2008 will be spending at least $350,000 on it in its childhood.

Have fun with that. In the meantime, I'll be chillaxing on the weekends in my new house, possibly with friends, and going out to places and enjoying life. :D
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