Mary Jane's Last Dance

March 23rd, 2008

01:13 pm

There's a good possibility that we are getting the house we like. I'm stoked. I love it. I feel like I'm at home in it.

So, now we have to look into stuff we need to get for the house, look into moving companies, and all that jazz. It's a little earlier than we expected. We were expecting this to come sometime in the summer, but we're afraid if we wait around too long, that house will be gone. Houses sell quickly in that area, because it's a solid, nice neighborhood.

On the work front, I have this to say: People suck at writing. People also suck at grammar, and people suck at spelling. We're not asking for a Pulitzer Prize-winning entry, but for godsake, write decently. Keep the article relevant. We want to read about the food that the restaurant has. We want to know what's in it for a young, modern adult crowd, because that's our target audience. We're sick of hearing about family-friendly crap. We're fed up with poorly-written articles that refuse to stay on topic. We don't want to hear about the owners' kid and other trite stuff such as that. If I wanted to hear about someone's kid, I'd talk to somebody at church.

ARGH YOU PEOPLE ARRRRGHH. I can feel myself going Super Saiyan or something. My hair's turning gold, people. Step out of the way.
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