Mary Jane's Last Dance

March 18th, 2008

08:49 pm

Today was the first day of my new job.

It was slow going at first, and then my associate producer and I came across a freelancer (I'm also a freelancer, but I'm also doing grunt work for a month) that had turned in his listings...rather early.

They were terrible. There were tons of grammar errors, spelling errors, factual errors, errors up the wazzoo. This guy couldn't write his way out of a junior high essay competition. My seventh grade sister could have written better articles. So the task I was given was to look over that guy's articles, and re-write and correct stuff as necessary.

A couple of the articles I pretty much had to re-write from scratch. They were THAT bad.

Click thru for more lack of faith in humanity! )

People think they can get away with anything, can't they?

And then I went to BJ's after work, where I had a beer and baked potato (always awesome).
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