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Mary Jane's Last Dance ([info]sexandpolitics) wrote,
@ 2007-10-02 18:15:00

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I Hate Victoria's Secret, Pt. 2
I think it's absolutely hilarious that I thought I had the tiniest tits on the planet roughly six months ago.

The reality of the matter is, the inverse is close to true than the former, and Victoria's Secret fitters don't know how to fit bras correctly. They only want you to buy their shit, even if it is far from fitting.

Here I was, thinking I was a 32A (or smaller!) the whole time because of a piss-poor measurement. I was measured a 34AAA at one point (ridiculous)! I didn't think it was right, because the bras fit all wonky. The shoulder straps always fell down my arms. The back always shifted around pretty bad. Underboob was a problem.

So about a few months ago, I started searching for my true size. I then used a formula most professional, trained bra fitters use, rather than the formula that commercial, often untrained "fitters" used (the add "god knows how many inches onto your underbust measurement, usually between 4"-8")

Wonder why 80% of women wear the wrong bra size? You didn't read this incorrectly. Four out of the five of us are wearing the wrong bra size. The chances are more than likely that you are, too.

It turns out I'm a 30C or 28D, depending on the bra manufacturer.

Want to know what you should be around? Chances are, you're going to get something completely different from what you are wearing now.

I'm going to use the directions from this page. It's a formula that professional bra fitters use. (The one that says Wacky But Better) Joy, math! If you suck at math, grab a calculator.

You should get four numbers- underbust, overbust, bust, and overbust with bra (cup overflow)

I'll use my measurements as an example.

A: 26.5"
B-1: 30"
B-2: 30.5"
C: 32"

First, add "A" and "B-1" together and divide by two.

26.5 + 30 = 56.5
56.5 / 2 = 28.25

28.25 will be your chest size. Rounding to the next even number should give you the band size. 28 would be my band size. If you like a looser fit, you may go up a band size. But note that it will also change your cup size at well!

Then, subtract B-1 from B-2.

30.5" - 30 = .5" is your cup overflow.

Add the cup overflow to C.

32 + 1 = 32.5.

Then, subtract the chest size from that number. If you have decimals, round up if it is over .50 or down if it is under.

32.5 - 28.25 = 4.25 (which would be 4")

Going by the general guide for finding cup size (A- 1", B- 2", etc.), find yours.

I have a band size of 28 with a 4" inch difference. Therefore, I would be a 28D (or for a looser fit, 30C)

If you are confused, take down your measurements and I'll be glad to calculate it for you. If you are a strange size that you've never seen before (as is the case with me), don't worry! More women should move in the direction of a tighter band and a larger cup size.

Don't be deluded for a second that sizes that are above a D are for porn stars and fake tits!

Man, if I had a bit more drive for business, I'd open up a bra store. But I do intend on learning how to make bras for myself (seriously, hardly anyone carries a 28D OR 30C), and if I become proficient enough, I will start selling them to others.

I have a prediction my sewing machine's going to get some heavy usage soon.

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