Peter believes that I do not love him anymore because he's been very neglectful of me, making very little time for me and spending a lot of time at work and dealing with his family. I do feel neglected and his constant issues are making me wonder if it's because he depressed because I'm not around or something else?
When he's depressed, I'm depressed but I have to pretend to not be. I feel a little numb when it comes to our situation and I feel more distant than I did because every time I get close to him he throws shit in my face and acts like there isn't more than one line of reasoning. He makes me not want to get any closer to him, I feel like I should be a little more guarded too, I find myself having trouble speaking my mind often because it always turns out badly. I try to love and encourage him but he finds fault in whatever I say recently.
I wonder if he loves me at all anymore, or if he's just feeling desperate to have the feeling of love.
I think he wants to be rid of me, but he's too attached and is unable to. He always talks about breaking up because it's the only way he knows to fix things, for someone who is logical, he never thinks rationally, ever.
It looks like the whole little talk with his boss didn't really do much in the long run.
I think he'd be happier without me around.
We'll see after he starts back on his meds.
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